Hvor lineære er passive komponenter?
Audio engineers usually strive to avoid intermodulation, as for anything other than extremely simple input waveforms, it introduces frequency components that are not harmonically related, which tends to sound unmusical and unpleasant.
Du har blitt utfordret ganske mange ganger til å dokumentere den påstanden om "ulineær forvrengning" i kabler.
Ulineæritet forårsaket av materiale
Det er ved flere anledninger påpekt viktigheten av av rene og gode kontakter,hvorav virkning er beskrevet av bl.a.
Larkuz,Hedde og Asbjørn,men med litt vag/ingen direkte faglig knagg/uttrykk å henge dette på.
(PIM) was of little concern to the
connector designer. Until five years
ago, most connector engineers had
never heard of the phenomenon.
Causes: As stated earlier, in the
general sense, non-linear mixing
causes the generation of PIM.
Specifically, there are 3 major causes
of PIM in passive devices:
1. Poor contact junctions
2. Components made with, or plated
with materials that exhibit some
level of hysteresis
3. Contamination
Contact nonlinearities occur when a
current carrying contact zone becomes
separated. This usually occurs on a
microscopic level and can be due to
insufficient contact pressure, irregular
contact surfaces, oxidation causing a
metal/oxide junction, contact impurities
or corrosion. This small separation of
contact surfaces can generate a
voltage potential barrier, where electron
tunneling (known as the diode effect) or
microscopic arcing may take place
resulting in a nonlinear voltage to
current ratio.
The use of ferromagnetic materials
such as nickel or steel within the
current path, especially at high power
levels, can also generate PIM due to
the nonlinear voltage to current ratio
and hysteresis effect of these materials.
Contaminants such as metal particles
from machining operations that touch
current carrying surfaces can also
cause intermittent nonlinearities,
generating PIM.
Audioquest bruker vel en sveiseteknikk når kabler termineres?
Litt mer om PIM og årsak bl.a.
What is Passive Intermodulation | PIM Distortion | Tutorial - Radio-Electronics.Com
EMC/RFI område,10 KHz - 1 GHz.Dette påvirker vel også audio,eller er dette område som er utenfor 20-20 KHz upåvirket
på audioutstyr?
Kabelutviklingen står ikke stille.Dette er vel ikke produsent av audiokabler,men det drypper vel litt på de også?
San-tron: Passive Intermodulation Cable Assemblies , Low PIM
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