KJOENIK's stereoanlegg

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    Hadde jeg fortsatt hatt vinylrigg hadde jeg ment det samme. Skal det være analogt så skal det være analogt.

    Jeg håper å få hørt anlegget med de nye komponentene en gang. Det eneste jeg ikke likte forrige gang var den ganske boomy bassen, og den skal jo nå være borte, hvilket er utmerket.

    Jeg så Stoltzen-tiden din, og vil nok slite med å henge på. Går du med på å stille med ryggsekk så vi havner i samme BMI-klasse?


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    Tøyser litt...

    Men jeg har nok ikke helt troen på det der. Tror at uansett hvordan man implementerer dette med romkorreksjon, og muligens også transistor, ICE, switch-mode, etc, vil man miste noe av det som gjør at man føler at det man hører er autentisk.

    Niels Lan Doky, den danske jazzpianisten, brukte for endel år endel denne allegorien for analog vs digital...
    Man opplever ofte et svart-hvitt fotografi som mer ekspressivt enn et tilsvarende fargefotografi. Dette fordi hjernen må kompensere for manglelen på farger i svart-hvitt bildet.
    Niels Lan Doky lar altid det digitale signalet passere gjennom et analogt apparat i opptaksprosessen, og mener at dette tilfører lyden noe som gjør at den oppleves som bedre/mer autentisk.

    For meg er det nok noe med at korrektheten, eller hva det nå er (linjalrett frekvensrespons, mangel på støy?) føles unaturlig. Et klassisk konsertopptak med helt sort bakgrunn, uten støy, blir kunstig for meg. I en konsertsal er det altid ambient noise. Man kan nærmest "høre luften". Kanskje gir støy/sus fra f.eks en rørforsterker en illusjon av å oppfatte dette som ekte.

    Dessuten synes jeg ikke denne evige søken etter den optimale frekvenskurve og uendelig knoting med klokkesignaler, upsamplingsfrekvenser, og datamaskiner er noe å trakte etter.
    Jeg får ikke engang squeezeboxen til å fungere stabilt her hjemme. Neppe noe godt utgangspunkt for å satse på denne nye teknologien... ;)


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    totte skrev:
    Hadde jeg fortsatt hatt vinylrigg hadde jeg ment det samme. Skal det være analogt så skal det være analogt.

    Jeg håper å få hørt anlegget med de nye komponentene en gang. Det eneste jeg ikke likte forrige gang var den ganske boomy bassen, og den skal jo nå være borte, hvilket er utmerket.
    Vi må få til noe lytting i januar!

    totte skrev:
    Jeg så Stoltzen-tiden din, og vil nok slite med å henge på. Går du med på å stille med ryggsekk så vi havner i samme BMI-klasse?
    ja ;)


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    Utopia Direct Coupling Dual Mono Vacuum Tube Remote Controlled Line Stage represents top of the Line Stage segment in NAT audio equipment. NAT is really proud to present line stage with no coupling capacitors or inter-stage transformer on signal path, yet zero feedback concept. Sound is treated only with vacuum tubes and hi quality small value resistors.

    Utopia is a vacuum tube dual chassis line stage preamplifier in full dual mono configuration. First chassis called Control Unit contain power supply, digital controls and all other modules. Line Stage is second chassis, which contain only analog circuits.

    LINE STAGE CIRCUIT: Unique all triode zero feedback configuration makes this low output impedance preamplifier capable to drive any kind of power amplifier. Long life military grade tubes 6N23P-EV (E88CC equivalent) & 6N30P-DR special low impedance triode are used in line stage circuit.

    Volume control is realized with 16 high reliability relays. Contact material of these relays is silver with gold glad. By relays switching combination volume control can be adjusted in 100 steps.

    ANALOG POWER SUPPLY started with two custom-made low-density toroidal transformers. All needed voltages are regulated with 11 stages per channel(22 stages in total). Anode voltages are double regulated for each analog stage.

    Control Unit Chassis contain two high quality input AC filters one for analog power supply transformers and one for the digital supply.

    Micro-controller Based DIGITAL CONTROL CIRCUIT controls all necessary functions of preamplifier, and its current status is displayed on an alphanumerical front panel. Front panel is made of twelve dot matrix displays. Digital Control Circuit is supplied with custom-made low-density toroidal transformer (totally three transformers per unit). Remote control unit made from two pieces of solid block aluminum controls all preamplifier functions.


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    LAP-150-MII Line Amplifier with Internal OPS-1-MIII
    All-Tube Med/High Gain Phono Stage with
    Separate Power Supply

    The LAP-150MkII’s are the ultimate combination and synthesis of the acclaimed LA-150MkII line stage and the state of the art OPS-1 MkIII All-Tube Med/High gain phono stages. A two-chassis component (preamp and outboard power supply), the LAP’s accommodate multiple sources with full control and switching functions. Balance control (out of the signal path), a mono switch, tape loops along with the superb OPS Med/High gain phono stage are all included . The Linestage specifications are that of LA-150 MkIII e.g. it has four 6350's tubes. The phono stage specs are below. The Joule-Electra LAP preamplifiers are true full function components with the musical performance that can only come from a real Joule.

    Joule-Electra OPS-1 High Gain Phono Stage

    Gain 62dB
    Input Impedance Factory Setting: 47,000 Ohms
    Alternate loading available
    Output Impedance <1,000 Ohms
    Output Voltage 7 Volts into 5,000 Ohms
    Equalization RIAA +/- 0.5dB
    Noise -60dB @ 2 Volts Output
    Distortion < 1% @ 5 volts
    Frequency Response 10 Hz - 30 kHz (+/- 1 dB)
    Tube Compliment 3 - 5751's, 2 - 6DJ8's, 1-6350's


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    The Premier Quattro preamp is a two or four box preamp, totally hard wired using silver wire with specially selected components to make it one of the best sounding preamps in the world!

    The Quattro is available in our new design Uni-chassis’, and includes an MC stage for even the most sensitive of cartridges, presenting itself as a high-end, high quality product capable of handling a massive array of sources. The Quattro also includes the same silver wire in the signal path, with specially selected and matched components including some tanatalum resistors, etc etc. There are 4 line level inputs and an MC input - hand built too!

    The Audion Quattro is the finest stock preamplifier ever made. Its phono stage can accommodate any low output moving coils, and its line-stage is just a cathode follower with very little gain. It has the benefits of both simplicity of design and superb execution (with only 4 tubes in the entire signal path from the cartridge, a 4 chassis totally dual-mono construction and the power supplies use only polypropylene capacitors). There are 17 active power supply stages in the 2 box and 21 active supplies in the 4 box.

    We would recommend only two upgrades to this pre-amp, and upon Arthur Salvatore’s recommendation we would advise customers purchasing this to include Teflon V-caps and either Vishay Dale stepped attenuators or Goldpoint.

    Technical Specifications
    All amplifiers are either 100V, 110V, 120V, 220V 230V or 240V ac. input (changeable internally)
    On all pre-amps-
    Distortion at 1 watt is less than 0.1% with no feedback
    Dimensions with tubes and volume control are all :-
    230mm Wide, 400mm deep and +/- 200mm tall
    Weight - Pre Amps 7kg Power supply 8kg
    Fuse Rating : 2A Mains 500mA HT
    MC input impedance - 100R
    Input impedance 47K - Noise: < (CCIR) – 90 db
    Sensitivity Variable >150mV Full output
    Tubes used: 6922, E88CC or 6N1P-EV


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    Janus is a full-function all-tube preamplifier with six line level inputs and one phono input. It is in the Saturn Series (link to Saturn Series description), sharing common design characteristics with the Rhea, Calypso and Atlas. It has won numerous awards worldwide, receiving acclaim for its sound quality, build quality and ease of use.

    • Fully balanced differential line-level circuitry with ability to internally balance a single ended input signal.
    • RCA and XLR provided for each input.
    • Discrete resistor volume control with 88 1dB steps.
    • Zero global feedback.
    • Phono input: 40-75dB gain maximum, selectable via front panel or remote control.
    • Built-in MC cartridge demagnetizer.
    • 9 MC loading settings: 75-47,000 ohms, selectable via front panel or remote control.
    • All tube amplification and output (12 tubes total).
    • Two sets of XLR and two sets of RCA outputs per channel.
    • Bypass mode for home theatre processor throughput.
    • Absolute phase, selectable via front panel or remote control.
    • Full function remote included.

    Janus is available in two versions: Standard and Signature.

    The standard version uses high-grade Rel-Cap polypropylene coupling capacitors. The Signature version uses exotic and expensive coupling capacitors and other critical parts to bring the performance to a higher level. All versions of Janus can be factory upgraded to Signature.


    The Signature version uses custom-made inter-stage Teflon hybrid coupling capacitors, replacing the polypropylene units, between the gain stage and output stage (2 per channel). The change in these capacitors results in higher resolution, extension, less grain and more air. The 2uF output coupling capacitors (4 per channel) are replaced with 4uF Dynamicaps. This change provides more drive, bass extension, resolution and dynamics while also reducing grain. For the phono section, the Signature Version uses custom-made inter-stage Teflon hybrid coupling capacitors, replacing the polypropylene units, between the 2nd and 3rd gain stages(2 total per channel). The change in these capacitors results in higher resolution, extension, less grain and more air. The 2uF output coupling capacitors that drive the line section (2 per channel) are replaced with 4uF Dynamicaps. This change provides more drive, bass extension, resolution and dynamics while also reducing grain. Highly specialized adjustable air-core capacitors, used primarily in the radio-frequency realm, are installed and adjusted to "tweek" each unit to a rigid standard. The five rubber feet are replaced with Harmonic Resolutions Systems' Nimbus Couplers specially made for Aesthetix (Earlier Signature Saturn pieces did not incorporate this, please contact Aesthetix for this free upgrade if you have an earlier Signature piece without the Nimbus Couplers). This change results in a lower noise floor and more air and space. The cost of these specialized parts alone is about 1/4 the manufacturing cost of a brand new unit! Any tubes that can be bettered by our special stock of graded and matched tubes are replaced. Any other improvements needed to make the unit current are installed, including software updates, etc. A new lens with "SIGNATURE" stenciled is installed. Each Signature unit undergoes rigorous test procedures and listening.


    Inputs: 1 phono RCA (SE), 5 line RCA or XLR (balanced), plus 1 tape, RCA or XLR
    Outputs: 2 RCA (SE) and XLR (balanced), 1 tape RCA
    Phono gain settings: 8 total; 75, 68, 62, 56, 50, 44, 38 dB, and off
    Phono load settings: 9 total; 47 K ohms, 10K, 5K, 2.5K, 1K, 500 ohms, 250, 125, and 75 ohms
    Line level gain: 23 dB single ended (SE), in/out, and 29 dB balanced/out
    Volume control: switched resistor network volume control with 88 1 dB steps
    Front panel controls: main input, tape input select, volume, balance, phase, mute, display, bypass and standby
    Remote controls: main input, tape input select, volume, balance, phase, mute, display, phono gain and loading, demagnetizer, bypass and standby
    Frequency response: +- 0.25 dB, 20 Hz - 20 Khz
    Signal to noise: measured at 70 dB minimum A-weighted (ref 1 mv input, 75 dB gain setting)
    Line input impedence: 40 k ohms SE, 80 k ohms balanced
    Maximum line input: 3.5 volts SE, 7.0 volts RMS balanced
    Output impedence: 1K ohms SE, 600 ohms balanced
    Recommended load: 10K ohms or greater (SE), 20K ohms or greater (Balanced)
    Tubes, each channel: phono section: V1 & V2 (12AX7-factory graded low noise), V3 (12AX7), V4 (6922/6DJ8); line section: V1 (12AX7 or equivalent), V2 (6922/6DJ8)
    Power consumption: 20 watts standby, 120 watts active
    Physical dimensions: 4 3/8" high, 17 7/8" wide, 18" deep including jacks
    Shipping weight: 40 lbs.


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    The BorderPatrol Control Unit pre-amplifier is the result of a long and protracted design process during which many circuit topologies and components were rigorously evaluated and selected on a purely musical basis. Many manufacturers simply prescribe a collection of 'audiophile' components and assume that incorporating them into their product will automatically ensure good sound. This is usually far from the case. Each component has to be evaluated, regardless of reputation, and selected only if it blends into the whole. The operating conditions of the valves need to be carefully tuned in, and the qualities of each part of the circuit need to be harmonically in sympathy with each other. The aim, like in all BorderPatrol products, is not to produce an amplifier that excels in one particular audiophile area but one which has balanced and integrated musical qualities.

    The Control Unit is equally at home playing classical, rock, jazz, ethnic, technology or any other music genre and we are sure that it's musical capabilities will more than exceed your expectations.

    The Control Unit uses a single 5687 triode valve for each channel configured as an anode follower. This valve is chosen for it's low gain, low output impedance, low microphony and low noise. Hovland Musicap capacitors are used for signal coupling. No negative feedback is employed and the circuit is hard wired into un-printed boards. A double section choke input filter, EZ80 valve rectified H.T. supply with Black Gate capacitors provides the high voltages for the circuit and unusually, and perhaps uniquely, a similar choke input filter supply is used for the filament supply, though this time Hexfred diodes are used as rectifiers. Input and output sockets are mounted on a copper ground plane. The chassis is made from 2mm copper plate. A phono version is available featuring a 2 stage hard wired triode phono stage that uses a ECC83 and 6072A double triode.


    Inputs: 5 x line level inputs marked as Phono, CD, Tuner, Line and Tape but any line-level component such as a DVD player or VCR can be used.
    Outputs: 2 x outputs to facilitate bi-amping or connection to an active subwoofer.
    1 x tape out. This output can also be connected to 5 channel processor.
    Gain: 12dB
    Output Impedance: 2kOhm
    Frequency response: -3dB 7Hz-200kHz.
    Input voltages: 0-220-230-240V or 0-110-115-120V
    Recommended Interconnect length: <3m. Low capacitance interconnects are recommended.
    Dimensions: 450mm x 350mm 120mm
    Weight: 12kg (control unit 2), 6kg (control unit 1) .
    Valve Complement:: Line 1 x 5687, 1 x EZ80, Phono 1 x ECC83, 1 x 6072A


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    The Messenger is the finest preamplifier in the world - period!

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2004

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2005

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2006

    What this unique preamplifier does is to literally extract much more information from the source and transmit it to the amplifier without any loss of subtle harmonic or dynamic information. If this sounds impossible, just listen for yourself. All of a sudden the bass now has detail, depth and impact, the mids and highs have body without being bright or hard sounding, the instruments are now distinct and not blurred together, and the soundstage is huge with incredible presence and all without a trace of listening fatigue.

    Up to now, there hasn't been a preamplifier in the world that would allow all of the recorded information to pass through it. All current preamps take what they can handle and reject the rest, leaving a great deal of information behind, or at worst, displacing it to another place in time destroying the texture of the music. Unfortunately, what ordinary preamps reject is the subtle and not so subtle detail, harmonic structure, ambient information and dynamic impact that gives music life and emotional content.

    But now, The Messenger unleashes the full potential of all playback sources. For the very first time, hear all of the music! Sit back and be astounded.

    * Tube complement-

    ... Linestage Preamp:
    2- 6AS7

    ... Phonostage:
    2- 6H30Pi
    2- 12AX7

    * Input impedance: 250K

    * Frequency response: + or - 1/2 db @ 1Hz - 90KHz

    * Maximum gain: +20db

    * Output S/N ratio: -90db

    * THD:
    .007% @ 20Hz (0db ref)
    .035% @ 20Khz (0db ref)
    .....35% @ 20Hz - 20Khz (+30db ref)

    * Intermodulation distortion: .15% (0dbref)

    * Maximum output level: +34dBm

    * Maximum input level: +28dBm

    * Output Impedance: 50 ohms nominal

    * Channel separation: 75db

    * AC line voltage: 117 Volts

    * Fuse at 3 amp slow-blow

    * Dimensions:
    Preamplifier- 17.5"W x 16"D x 5.75"H
    .Power Supply- 17.5"W x 11"D x 5.75"H




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    Vacuum Tube Control Amplifier

    Finally, after all the waiting, we offer you a new Realm in Sound with a totally new kind of control amplifier. Until now, control amplifiers have ably done their job of filtering the important essence of music–but that's all they have done. For true music lovers, the result has been a buildup of stress, irritation and frustration. Now, the CAT-777 unleashes you from that long journey of annoyance.
    As one serious audiophile who has experienced listening to the CAT-777 put it: "The Reimyo CAT-777 features outstanding detail while the sound is very smooth even into the high frequencies. Its sound is eminently musical, providing remarkable ambience in addition. The elegant and true-to-life sound is enrapturing, and with full bass effect in the lowest ranges, the system is truly dynamic." What more could one ask for?
    The CAT-777 is a totally rare vacuum tube control amplifier of the kind you have long dreamt about–a control amplifier offering you a new Realm in Sound. Just listen, and hear for yourself.

    Like all Reimyo electronic systems, the CAT-777 features totally discrete construction. More than 90% of its components, including transformers, RCA terminals, capacitors and internal wires, are designed and/or manufactured by COMBAK, a company renowned worldwide for its Harmonix resonance control technology. This meticulous dedication provides the CAT-777 with supreme accuracy and an unprecedented level of performance.

    ? "Best Product 2008 High Fidelity" - www.highfidelity.pl, Poland
    ? "Select Component" - www.ultraaudio.com, U.S.A.
    ? "Best Product 2008 High Fidelity" - www.highfidelity.pl, Poland
    ? CAT-777 "Select Component" - www.ultraaudio.com, U.S.A.
    ? CAT-777 & PAT-777 Review! - Music Emotion, The Netherlands
    ? CAT-777 and PAT-777 Review! - positive feedback online
    ? PAT-777 with CAT-777 Review! - www.dagogo.com
    ? CES 2005 Report! - www.stereotimes.com

    Type: Vacuum Tube Control Amplifier
    Circuitry: NON-NFB. Complete Discrete Construction.
    Output: 12AU7 x 2 12BH7A x 2
    Rectify: 6x4WA x 2
    Channel: 2-Channel Stereo (Discrete L-Channel/R-Channel)
    Input Terminals: 4-Input, RCA Terminal (Phono/CD/Tuner/Line)
    (* Phono terminal is Flat same as other three. No RIAA circuit built-in)
    Output Terminals: 3 RCA Terminals
    Input Level Control: Individual L/R volume Control
    Main Level Control: L/R volume Control
    Power Indicator: Switch On to Red (Muting) gradually change to Green to Ready (Time interval 40-Sec)
    Gain: 17dB (Volume Max)
    Fix Input Level:
    Input: 0.2Vrms
    Output: 0.5Vrms (Main Volume Max)
    Frequency Response: 5Hz - 100kHz
    Noise Level: -84dBm/48.9uVrms (IHF-A)
    Cross talk:
    Better than 100dB (1 kHz)
    Better than 90dB (20 kHz)
    Body Construction: All High Quality Aluminum (Front Chassis: 10mm/ Body Chassis: 5mm)
    Power Consumption: 45W
    Power Requirements: AC 117V or 220-230V, 50/60Hz
    Whole Unit Size: 430(W) x 139.5(H) x 411(D) mm (Include feet, screw)
    Weight: 14.0kgs
    Accessory: Not included (AC Power Cord not included)
    We suggest Harmonix X-DC Studio Master Power Cord.


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    WV Series Product Details

    Phono stage (present in WV5 and WV9)

    * Pure triode tube signal path with a passive riaa network, reliable and quiet.
    * Two phono inputs: MC and MM. Phono 1 (MC input) uses the wonderful Sowter 8055 MC transformer 1:10 stepup transformer which is suitable for MC cartridges in the 0.3 to 1mV range. For cartridges which fall outside this range, other transformer models can be custom-mounted. For example, if you have an MC cartridge which needs more or less amplification than the Sowter 8055's 1:10, the Lundahl LL9206 can be installed. The LL9206 can be wired to provide 1:5, 1:10, and 1:20 step ups. It sounds nearly indistinguishable from the Sowter 8055 lacking only a taste of emotionality and rhythm. Or, if you have some transformer you'd like us to install in your WV, please email me and I'll check it out. Here's a page which describes the transformers I listened to before settling on the 8055.
    Phono 2 (MM input) is designed for cartridges which have higher output than most MC cartridges and provides standard 47K ohm MM loading.
    * MC loading is accomplished via loading plugs containing resistors inserted into MC load RCA jacks. One set provided with preamp per customer-requested loading value. Normal configuration with 8055 transformers and nothing inserted into MC Load jacks is 1,000 ohm. For custom values, click here.

    Options for the WV5 and WV9

    o The MC input can be eliminated on the WV5 and WV9, leaving a dual-input MM-only version by not installing the MC transformers in Phono 1 position, saving at least $240 (depending on current pricing of the Sowter MC transformers + shipping cost from England), Phono 1 then becomes the second MM input.
    o WV9 (only): Balanced outputs can be provided by installing a modified line stage. See Special Versions for more information.
    o WV9 (only): A volume control can be added to WV9 by installing a modified cathode-follower type line stage. See Special Versions for more information.

    Occasionally someone asks me why I first amplify the MC signal with a transformer before feeding it to the tubes, rather than just feed the MC signal directly to the tubes. Been there, done that in the Counterpoint SA-5.1 and SA-2. Tubes are too noisy for MC signals. Here's a more in-depth look at the subject.

    Line Stage (present in WV5 and WV11)

    * Pure triode tube signal path, completely balanced.
    * Switchable to handle either 6-volt or 12-volt dual-triode tubes. This feature provides a broad range of "voicing" options far beyond what normal tube preamp offer, as well as being able to use lower-gain tubes for higher-sensitivity systems (where volume is difficult to control). See "Tube Types" for more information.
    * Three line-level inputs, one of which is switchable between XLR balanced and RCA.
    * A fourth line input labeled "HT" (home theater) does not go through the line stage or volume control, providing a direct connection to the output jacks. This may be used as a home theater pass-through for the right front and left front channels. The WV5 and WV11default to this input when in standby or powered off, so home theater systems can be used even if WV is fully powered off.
    * The WV5 and WV11 standard build units use the fine-sounding ALPS RK168 volume control. The XL version uses a DACT four deck attenuator -- the best sounding volume control I've ever heard (see "XL Version" for more information about the differences between the standard-build WVs and the premium-build WV XLs.)
    * The line stage is 100% feedback free making it a perfect match for the companion WT power amplifiers or other power amplifiers with 28dB or less voltage gain. If more range is needed from the volume control, the gain of the line stage can be lowered by using a lower-gain tube, and by inserting resistors (available separately) into onboard jacks to pad down the signal.
    * No balance control.
    * No tape loops.
    * "Pre Send" jacks provide direct, unamplified, connection to input signal.
    * Two sets of RCA main outs and one set of XLR balanced outs per channel.

    Power Supplies Details (present on all models)

    * The high voltage supply for the tubes is pure tube: fully-tubed rectification and regulation. This is a completely reliable and great-sounding design.
    * Choke input configuration for spacious, quiet background.
    * Dual filament supplies, one for line stage and one for phono stage, both delay/soft-start for prolonged tube life.
    * Heatsinking (for the filament supply) is internal for cool reliable operation.

    External Power Supply Box (all models)

    * External box houses a custom-made Plitron transformer, IEC AC inlet, power switch, fuse and main power pilot light.

    Other Details (all models)

    * Front panel switch provides mute and standby function. Like in Counterpoint designs, the WV's standby function turns off the high voltage but keeps the tube filaments lit for extended, quiet life.
    * The main power switch on the power supply box permits turning the unit off entirely.
    * All inputs and output connectors are fully RF bypassed (no sonic degradation).
    * All switching is done with gold-contact relays, same as are used in the Counterpoint SA-5000, Magnum Opus, SA-11, and other Counterpoint products. These relays have proven 100% reliable even after 20 years of operation and are completely transparent-sounding.
    * Dual circuit boards in the audio chassis: one for the input and output connectors and switching components, the second for the active electronics.
    * Resonance control: As developed in the Alta Vista Audio upgrades for Counterpoint products. Completely removes circuit board and tube resonances responible for blur and glare. Sounds are detailed without etching or brightness. The input/output connector board is firmly-mounted to the chassis with a compressed wool felt damping pad under it; while the circuit board with the tubes and associated electronics floats atop a thicker wool felt pad. There is no better way to decouples the tubes and sensitive components from external chassis and airborne vibrations.
    * Simple, strong chassis design.

    Og enda mer info på nettsiden...

    Er visst en nordmann som har en slik

    "The option of being able to change tube types in the line stage is genius. I hunted down a pair of Siemens CCa (6922) with `D' getters from 1952 for the phono stage. Together with a pair of Philips 12AU7 Miniwatt in the line stage, it is no less than fantastic.
    "After I got the WV I converted to vinyl and began using Tung-Sol `round plate' 6SN7GTs in the Aria WT100 amps connected in mono. And yes, the WV is good, but it gets good help from the WTs: `steel control' is the word.
    "For CD playing I found the Tung-Sols a little too sweet, and have been trying 6SN7Ws (1944 Sylvania) and 6SN7GT (1952 Sylvania `Bad boys'). As you know, both tube types have deep bass. But on vinyl the Tung-Sols have plenty of bass and are a lot faster.
    "So as you understand: it does not get a lot better than this. But as you also mention on your home page, the choice of tubes is a matter of personal taste."

    E. Pederson, Norway

    Denne finishen hadde passet fint



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    Havregrøt trenger slett ikke være kjedelig (spørs om jeg får råd til eplene, og melken kan jo erstattes med vann...)


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    Hei Kjoenik...ser du har begynnt shoppingen etter eksotiske preamper med integrert Phonotrinn ;D. Som vi snakket om kommer man ikke utenom denne i vurderingen...

    Matcher Goden Dream i design gjør den også

    phono MM/MC and line
    20 dB (line) / 57 dB (phono MM) / 84 dB (phono MC) à 1 KHz
    1 MM input, 1 MC input, 4 line inputs

    20 Hz - 50 KHz (line stage)
    2 (separate power supply)

    ECC88 X 2
    ECC83 X 6
    EF86 X 1
    EL84 X 1
    430 x 345 x 175 mm each

    The JP80MC is the best well known phono preamplifier of our brand. Its phono stage accepts all MM or MC cartridges even if they have very low impedance. This unit is the best choice for every vinyl lover.



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    Jeg skjønner det er like før det er like etter her Kjoenik ;D

    Ha en God Jul og takk for i år.

    Mvh Elektron



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    har du brannslukningsapparatet klart, elektron?

    btw, mange fine preamper her, kjoenik.
    nå forventer vi action!
    og det kjapt.


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    SOA skrev:
    Hei Kjoenik...ser du har begynnt shoppingen etter eksotiske preamper med integrert Phonotrinn ;D. Som vi snakket om kommer man ikke utenom denne i vurderingen...

    Matcher Goden Dream i design gjør den også

    phono MM/MC and line
    20 dB (line) / 57 dB (phono MM) / 84 dB (phono MC) à 1 KHz
    1 MM input, 1 MC input, 4 line inputs

    20 Hz - 50 KHz (line stage)
    2 (separate power supply)

    ECC88 X 2
    ECC83 X 6
    EF86 X 1
    EL84 X 1
    430 x 345 x 175 mm each

    The JP80MC is the best well known phono preamplifier of our brand. Its phono stage accepts all MM or MC cartridges even if they have very low impedance. This unit is the best choice for every vinyl lover.
    Javisst, du har helt rett! Denne hadde jeg glemt, JP80MC. Tror desverre den er rimelig vanskelig å få tak i...

    Og jeg har jo også glemt denne. Trekker tilbake det jeg sa om utseendet. Den er jo rålekker!


    Signature Preamplifier Mk II

    a/k/a "Renaissance Signature"

    The culmination of eight years' research and development, this is VAC's finest preamplifier. Its new and unique circuit follows VAC's "first principles" design philosophy, wherein we look beyond conventional wisdom to discover what a preamplifier really must do to preserve musical life. As usual, the answers are distinct from anything you've seen or heard before.

    Through its principal outputs, the Signature Preamplifier contains no coupling capacitors from input to output. No coupling capacitor hinders the purity and detail developed by the hand-wired direct-coupled Class A1 triode tubes. Additionally, no loop negative feedback is used; the output interface is completely stable and free from dynamic interactions with the load. In addition to five standard line inputs (four when phono is fitted), a fully balanced input is provided. Fully balanced outputs are present, as are dual standard RCA outputs. Balancing is achieved by differential triodes driving a special output transformer. This design ensures a true balanced signal, capable of driving even the most cruel professional studio equipment, something impossible with cathode followers and totem circuits. In addition, the transformer output may be used with unbalanced loads. In this manner, galvanic loops and interaction between source & power amp feedback loops are eliminated, allowing for the most liquid, dimensional sound.

    The line stage also offers a fully buffered tape loop and VAC's Cinema Bypass mode, which allows your high-end stereo system to integrate seamlessly with home theater. The Cinema Bypass input is a fixed gain input that allows your source component to control volume, and passes this signal through to the stereo power amplifiers without further processing. It allows a cost-no-object stereo system to integrate seamlessly into a home theater context when needed, without any degradation of two channel performance from traditional stereo sources. The Cinema Bypass input may also be used with stereo components that have their own level control, such as d/a converters.

    The optional phono stage is a zero-feedback design incorporating six low noise triode tubes. Sensitive and quiet, it is capable of handling even low output moving coil cartridges. A rear panel switch allows engagement of wideband transformers to provide a proper and balanced load to low output pickups. Electrostatic decoupling prevents the heater circuits from "talking" to each other, a common cause of lost detail. Indeed, a completely separate power transformer and filter circuitry are dedicated to the phono stage, eliminating any disturbance of the delicate phono signal by the powerful line stage. Variable load switching is provided.

    The laquered aluminum remote control is standard. Uniquely, our remote system is implemented with electromechanical switches and controls. This approach is considerably more costly than the usual digital interfaces, but has several major advantages. First, no VCAs, relays, or transistor switches (switched ladder networks) are used in controlling volume. This is mandatory for sonic purity. Second, VAC's careful implementation avoids the use of microprocessors, which generate significant noise signals that, while sometimes not audible directly, can do damage to the sound. Third, the front panel controls are direct and intuitive to use, their positions indicating at a glance exactly how the unit is set.

    The VAC logos are backlit with an elegant blue in normal operation, but display red when the mute is activated. These are set in the heirloom-quality sculpted 3/8" fascia. The liberal use of sound deadening material compliments the 1/4" thick CNC-machined aluminum chassis, creating a solid mechanical foundation.

    Internal parts are specified from the finest and most exotic materials, as extreme measures and the most careful "voicing" are required to reach this unequaled pinnacle of perfection.

    Basic specifications:

    * Inputs: 3 sets RCA line input, sets balanced/RCA selectable inputs; 1 MM/MC (or additional line input); 1 set RCA tape monitor input; 1 set RCA cinema bypass input
    * Outputs: 2 sets RCA, 2 set balanced XLR (EIA "pin 2 hot" studio standard), 1 set RCA tape output
    * Optional MM/MC phono stage with user adjustable loading
    * Absolute phase is correct from all inputs to all outputs
    * Dimensions: audio chassis 18" wide x 5.5" high x 14.5 deep (plus knobs & connectors); power supply 18" x 3.9" x 14.5" plus connectors
    * Shipping weight: 80 pounds total (with phono) or 65 pounds (without phono)
    * ----------
    * Line stage:
    * Gain: 12 dB
    * Frequency response: flat over audio band; -3 dB bandwidth 5 Hz - 210 kHz
    * THD: <0.009% @ 1 kHz, 1 V RMS
    * Maximum output: > 8 V RMS
    * Output impedance: < 150 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, static (i.e., not dependent upon feedback)
    * Recommended output load: >300 ohms
    * Channel separation: >80 db
    * ----------
    * Phono stage:
    * Gain: 44 dB MM / 64 dB MC selectable
    * MC load impedance selectable, 470, 300, 250, 200, 150, and 100 ohms
    * MM load impedance selectable, 47k, 30k, 25k, 15k, and 10k ohms
    * Frequency response: RIAA standard +/- 0.2 dB (20 Hz - 20 kHz); -3 dB bandwidth 10 Hz - 80 kHz
    * Maximum input: > 130 mv @ 1 kHz, MM; > 13 mv, MC
    * Channel separation: > 80 db @ 1 kHz


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    Elektron skrev:
    Jeg skjønner det er like før det er like etter her Kjoenik ;D

    Ha en God Jul og takk for i år.

    Mvh Elektron
    Neida, jeg tar meg god tid. Det skjer ikke noe før nyttår ;)

    Riktig god jul og godt nyttår til deg også!!


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    Gago skrev:
    btw, mange fine preamper her, kjoenik.
    nå forventer vi action!
    og det kjapt.
    Hvilken skal jeg velge da?
    Og jeg kan jo ikke kjøpe noe før du har benyttet hifispindelvevet ditt og funnet den riktige preampen for meg ;)
    Quattro'en er vel (nesten) den eneste jeg kunne finne på å kjøpe ny...


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    Så du er i hypershoppingmodus, Kjoenik? Ser du spurte om åtter´n fra Audio Note, tror det kan fungere uhyre bra. Det du får såpass langt oppe i AN-hierarkiet er en nesten skremmmende innsikt i klangstruktur, farger og instrumentell egenart, en dypere innsikt i musikken , om du vil.Så blir du heller nødt til å leve med at den ser ut som en upmarket brødrister fra ca 1946. Ellers, om du ikke har tenkt å blakke deg, men gjøre et alldeles fantastisk preampkjøp, kommer du ikke utenom Hovland HP 100, spør du meg. De kan plukkes opp for småpenger nå på grunn av konkurs og finanskrise, men den situasjonen snur...
    Dessuten er den jo ikke akkurat stygg heller..og det liker vi jo, ikke sant? ;D



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    kjoenik skrev:
    Javisst, du har helt rett! Denne hadde jeg glemt, JP80MC. Tror desverre den er rimelig vanskelig å få tak i...
    Jadis'en er nok noe vanskelig å få tak i ja, men akkurat nå ligger en 240V utgave på Audiogon. Kun $8500. Nypris er godt over $20000....

    VAC'en er nydelig...det vet jo alle ;D


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    impulse skrev:
    Så du er i hypershoppingmodus, Kjoenik? Ser du spurte om åtter´n fra Audio Note, tror det kan fungere uhyre bra. Det du får såpass langt oppe i AN-hierarkiet er en nesten skremmmende innsikt i klangstruktur og instrumenttell egenart, en dypere innsikt i musikken , om du vil. Ellers, om du ikke har tenkt å blakke deg, men gjøre et alldeles fantastisk preampkjøp, kommer du ikke utenom Hovland HP 100, spør du meg. De kan plukkes opp for småpenger nå på grunn av konkurs og finanskrise, men den situasjonen snur...
    Dessuten er den jo ikke akkurat stygg heller..og det liker vi jo, ikke sant? ;D
    Mmm, ja den hadde definitivt tatt seg godt ut på Expedit-reolen!
    Du må sende meg en PM om du vet om noen i Bergensområdet som har en slik!

    Det største problemet med denne investeringen er at det er vanskelig eller umulig å få hørt mesteparten av disse pre-ampene i eget anlegg. Og jeg må si at det gir en ullen følelse i magen å tenke på en slik investering uten å vite sikkert hva man egentlig får. Det ville overraske meg om ikke noen av disse pre-ampene ville føles som en degradering lydmessig, ift mine preferanser.
    Det er en vanskelig avgjørelse!


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    SOA skrev:
    kjoenik skrev:
    Javisst, du har helt rett! Denne hadde jeg glemt, JP80MC. Tror desverre den er rimelig vanskelig å få tak i...
    Jadis'en er nok noe vanskelig å få tak i ja, men akkurat nå ligger en 240V utgave på Audiogon. Kun $8500. Nypris er godt over $20000....
    Gulp :-X Jeg skrev jo nettopp at det ikke ville skje noe før nyttår...


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    kjoenik skrev:
    SOA skrev:
    kjoenik skrev:
    Javisst, du har helt rett! Denne hadde jeg glemt, JP80MC. Tror desverre den er rimelig vanskelig å få tak i...
    Jadis'en er nok noe vanskelig å få tak i ja, men akkurat nå ligger en 240V utgave på Audiogon. Kun $8500. Nypris er godt over $20000....
    Gulp :-X Jeg skrev jo nettopp at det ikke ville skje noe før nyttår...

    En legende, og hvilken riaa :eek:

    Mvh. RS


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    Jadis'en har vært mitt sikleobjekt nummer 1 i mange år, i tillegg til CAT SL-1(div versjoner). Jonathan Scull hadde i sin tid begge pre'ene, og jeg kan enrindre om en "hjemme hos Scull" artikkel i Stereophile der han kommer med noen betraktninger om disse.


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    Hva er egentlig budsjettet ditt her, Kjoenik? Om jeg kan være så freidig å spørre slik,altså...Grisedyre alternativer som dukker opp her.


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    Jeg anser dette som som en siste og meget viktig oppgraderingen av anlegget. Snarere som i'en under prikken enn motsatt...
    Finnes ikke noe egentlig budsjettgrense. Men har (forhåpentligvis) fremdeles en smule edruelighet inntakt ift forholdet mellom pris, ytelse, og i hvor stor grad dette har betydning for opplevelsen av musikken osv.
    Syv-sifret er uaktuelt.

    Jeg logger ut nå. På tide med julefrokost nr.2 (frokost nummer 1 ble inntatt med ungene, ugudelig tidlig... ::) ;D)

    God jul alle sammen!



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    En dag skal jeg kanskje ha platespiller igjen. Jeg savner ikke vinylen, men synes det er så mye flotte spillere, armer, riaaer og forforsterkere.


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    kjoenik skrev:


    The Messenger is the finest preamplifier in the world - period!

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2004

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2005

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2006

    What this unique preamplifier does is to literally extract much more information from the source and transmit it to the amplifier without any loss of subtle harmonic or dynamic information. If this sounds impossible, just listen for yourself. All of a sudden the bass now has detail, depth and impact, the mids and highs have body without being bright or hard sounding, the instruments are now distinct and not blurred together, and the soundstage is huge with incredible presence and all without a trace of listening fatigue.

    Up to now, there hasn't been a preamplifier in the world that would allow all of the recorded information to pass through it. All current preamps take what they can handle and reject the rest, leaving a great deal of information behind, or at worst, displacing it to another place in time destroying the texture of the music. Unfortunately, what ordinary preamps reject is the subtle and not so subtle detail, harmonic structure, ambient information and dynamic impact that gives music life and emotional content.

    But now, The Messenger unleashes the full potential of all playback sources. For the very first time, hear all of the music! Sit back and be astounded.

    * Tube complement-

    ... Linestage Preamp:
    2- 6AS7

    ... Phonostage:
    2- 6H30Pi
    2- 12AX7

    * Input impedance: 250K

    * Frequency response: + or - 1/2 db @ 1Hz - 90KHz

    * Maximum gain: +20db

    * Output S/N ratio: -90db

    * THD:
    .007% @ 20Hz (0db ref)
    .035% @ 20Khz (0db ref)
    .....35% @ 20Hz - 20Khz (+30db ref)

    * Intermodulation distortion: .15% (0dbref)

    * Maximum output level: +34dBm

    * Maximum input level: +28dBm

    * Output Impedance: 50 ohms nominal

    * Channel separation: 75db

    * AC line voltage: 117 Volts

    * Fuse at 3 amp slow-blow

    * Dimensions:
    Preamplifier- 17.5"W x 16"D x 5.75"H
    .Power Supply- 17.5"W x 11"D x 5.75"H


    Jeg har hørt denne modellen en gang i tiden , meget bra men dyr!

    Roald Mikkelsen har forresten en Messenger pre stående i butikken........


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    JK skrev:
    kjoenik skrev:


    The Messenger is the finest preamplifier in the world - period!

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2004

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2005

    Winner of CES "Best Sound at Show" 2006

    What this unique preamplifier does is to literally extract much more information from the source and transmit it to the amplifier without any loss of subtle harmonic or dynamic information. If this sounds impossible, just listen for yourself. All of a sudden the bass now has detail, depth and impact, the mids and highs have body without being bright or hard sounding, the instruments are now distinct and not blurred together, and the soundstage is huge with incredible presence and all without a trace of listening fatigue.

    Up to now, there hasn't been a preamplifier in the world that would allow all of the recorded information to pass through it. All current preamps take what they can handle and reject the rest, leaving a great deal of information behind, or at worst, displacing it to another place in time destroying the texture of the music. Unfortunately, what ordinary preamps reject is the subtle and not so subtle detail, harmonic structure, ambient information and dynamic impact that gives music life and emotional content.

    But now, The Messenger unleashes the full potential of all playback sources. For the very first time, hear all of the music! Sit back and be astounded.

    * Tube complement-

    ... Linestage Preamp:
    2- 6AS7

    ... Phonostage:
    2- 6H30Pi
    2- 12AX7

    * Input impedance: 250K

    * Frequency response: + or - 1/2 db @ 1Hz - 90KHz

    * Maximum gain: +20db

    * Output S/N ratio: -90db

    * THD:
    .007% @ 20Hz (0db ref)
    .035% @ 20Khz (0db ref)
    .....35% @ 20Hz - 20Khz (+30db ref)

    * Intermodulation distortion: .15% (0dbref)

    * Maximum output level: +34dBm

    * Maximum input level: +28dBm

    * Output Impedance: 50 ohms nominal

    * Channel separation: 75db

    * AC line voltage: 117 Volts

    * Fuse at 3 amp slow-blow

    * Dimensions:
    Preamplifier- 17.5"W x 16"D x 5.75"H
    .Power Supply- 17.5"W x 11"D x 5.75"H


    Jeg har hørt denne modellen en gang i tiden , meget bra men dyr!

    Roald Mikkelsen har forresten en Messenger pre stående i butikken........
    Jeg har allerede snakket med ham. Han har solgt den, men beholdt "aksjer" i den selv. Han vil aldri gi helt slipp på den. Beste pre-ampen han har hørt.

    kjoenik skrev:
    ...Men har (forhåpentligvis) fremdeles en smule edruelighet inntakt ift forholdet mellom pris, ytelse, og i hvor stor grad dette har betydning for opplevelsen av musikken osv.
    Syv-sifret er uaktuelt....
    Oi, ser at jeg påstår at jeg har en smule smule edruelighet i behold ift pris, for i neste setning å skrive at syv-sifret er uaktuelt... :eek:
    Jeg mener selvsagt at seks-sifret er uaktuelt!
    Og det betyr vel desverre også at Messenger er uaktuell, uansett hvor god pris Roald kan klare å gi meg på en ny. Og den florerer vel heller ikke på bruktbørsene.

    Men jeg skal prøve å få hørt den i butikken til Roald en dag!


    Overivrig entusiast
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    Hva er du egentlig ute etter i en ny pre? (og da forstår jeg at oppgradering av lyd er overskriften)
    Pre vil kunne sette meget heftig signatur på anlegget ditt. Å kjøpe i blinde er skummelt. Selv om pre-en er bra er det ikke sikkert du liker signaturen den gir. Har selv opplevd dette tidligere.

    Pengene går fort...


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    HSobstad skrev:
    Hva er du egentlig ute etter i en ny pre? (og da forstår jeg at oppgradering av lyd er overskriften)
    Pre vil kunne sette meget heftig signatur på anlegget ditt. Å kjøpe i blinde er skummelt. Selv om pre-en er bra er det ikke sikkert du liker signaturen den gir. Har selv opplevd dette tidligere.

    Pengene går fort...
    Jeg ønsker mer av det jeg har. De siste par ukene har lyden "stabilisert" seg. Det er vel rimelig å tro at den nye utgangstransformatoren har satt seg, og at rørene og delefilterne har gjort det samme. Ørene og hodet har vel kanskje også "satt" seg litt... ::)
    Ønsker å beholde dagens "huslyd", men med mer luft/åpenhet/oppløsning, bedre dynamikk og mindre støy.
    Funderer jo endel på dette (for å si det mildt)... Og jeg tror nok at det mest fornuftige, og minst risikable ift å beholde lydsignaturen, eller "huslyden", som jeg liker, vil være å satse på Audion sin egen Quattro. Den skal etter sigende låte "likt" som min Premier pre-amp, bare mye bedre. Og den har altså en riia som er vanvittig god. Jeg har prøvd MC-step up fra Audion sammen med min pre-amp, og det låt fantastisk, samtidig som det støyet for mye (fra step-up). Riia i Quattro skal ikke ha dette støyproblemet.

    Kan godt hende at dette bare er tull og at jeg slett ikke har behov for noen annen pre-amp. Men det er jo ikke så godt å vite før jeg har prøvd...
    Dessuten kan rasjonalitet være ytterst kjedsommelig ;)


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    Vil bare nevne at jeg hadde lillebroren til Jadis JP 80 noen år. Den het JP 30. Med mindre det er en helt annen huslyd på `80 en, tror jeg at det kan bli litt vel snilt for deg. mvh


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    Jadis JD80MC er definitivt ikke "snill", her er det full åpning i begge ender. Man vet rett & slett ikke hva rør er uten å ha hørt denne i et skikkelig oppsett ;)

    Mvh. RS
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