If it ain´t sad, it´s bad


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Er Marie, av og med Townes van Zandt, den tristeste sangen som noen gang er skrevet?

Kleine Freiheit

Syk pike med Bremnes er min kandidat, synes den er hakket verre.


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Randy Newman har forøvrig levert en låt med samme tittel som Townes´tristeste. Ikke akkurat lystig den heller.
"Every time it rains" fra samme mann hører også hjemme på lista.


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Syns Eggums "Du kjenner ikkje meg" også rykker hardt i Prozaclysta...


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Er Marie, av og med Townes van Zandt, den tristeste sangen som noen gang er skrevet?
Den er i alle fall helt der oppe, evt. "nede" alt etter kordan man ser på det :)
En flott kandidat det ja.

En annen låt som umiddelbart gir meg den "ugh"/"klump i halsen" følelsen er Keep my in your heart fra Warren Zevon's svanesang The Wind. Skrevet til venner og familie da han visste kreften var uhelbredelig, og det ikkje var lenge igjen før røret skulle legges på for godt



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En annen sang, er jo Gloomy Sunday da, skrevet av ungareren Rezső Seress. Ei låt gjort av utallige artister, første gang innspilt på 30 tallet, og senere gjort bl.a.Billie Holiday og Elvis Costello.

Av og til er den omtalt som "the Hungarian suicide song", fordi låta skal være så nitrist at den har resultert i nærmest utallige sjølmord, så doomy og gloomy er den... Bannlyst på radio ble den også.

Her er en litt intr notis om låta

g l o o m y s u n d a y

o v e r t u r e t o d e a t h
D. P. MacDonald

In February of 1936, Budapest Police were investigating the suicide of a local shoemaker, Joseph Keller. The investigation showed that Keller had left a suicide note in which he quoted the lyrics of a recent popular song. The song was "Gloomy Sunday".

The fact that a man chose to quote the lyrics of a little-known song may not seem very strange. However, the fact that over the years, this song has been directly associated with the deaths of over 100 people is quite strange indeed.

Following the event described above, seventeen additional people took their own lives. In each case, "Gloomy Sunday" was closely connected with the circumstances surrounding the suicide.

Among those included are two people who shot themselves while listening to a gypsy band playing the tune. Several others drowned themselves in the Danube while clutching the sheet music of "Gloomy Sunday". One gentleman reportedly walked out of a nightclub and blew his brains out after having requested the band to play "The Suicide Song".

The adverse effect of "Gloomy Sunday" was becoming so great that the Budapest Police thought it best to ban the song. However, the suppression of "Gloomy Sunday" was not restricted to Budapest, nor was its seemingly evil effects. In Berlin, a young shopkeeper hung herself. Beneath her feet lay a copy of "Gloomy Sunday".

In New York, a pretty typist gassed herself leaving a request that "Gloomy Sunday" should be played at her funeral.

Many claim that broken romances are the true causes of these suicides. However, this is debatable. For instance, one man jumped to his death from a seventh story window followed by the wailing strains of "Gloomy Sunday". He was over 80 years old! In contrast to this, a 14 year old girl drowned herself while clutching a copy of "The Suicide Song".

Perhaps the strongest of all was the case of an errand boy in Rome, who, having heard a beggar humming the tune, parked his cycle, walked over to the beggar, gave him all his money, and then sought his death in the waters beneath a nearby bridge.

As the death toll climbed, the B.B.C. felt it necesssary to suppress the song, and the U.S. network quickly followed suit. A French station even brought in psychic experts to study the effects of "Gloomy Sunday" but had no effect on the ever climbing death rate.

The composer, Rezső Seress, who in 1933 wrote "Gloomy Sunday", was as bewildered as the rest of the world. Although he wrote the song on the breakup of his own romance, he never dreamed of the results which would follow. However, as fate would have it, not even Seress could escape the song's strange effects.

At first he had a difficult time getting someone to publish the song. Quite frankly, no one would have anything to do with it. As one publisher stated, "It is not that the song is sad, there is a sort of terrible compelling despair about it. I don't think it would do anyone any good to hear a song like that."

However, time passed and Seress finally got his song published. Within the week "Gloomy Sunday" became a best seller, Seress contacted his ex-lover and made plans for a reunion. The next day the girl took her life through the use of poison. By her side was a piece of paper containing two words: "Gloomy Sunday".

When questioned as to just what he had in mind when he wrote the song, Seress replied, "I stand in the midst of this deadly success as an accused man. This fatal fame hurts me. I cried all of the disappointments of my heart into this song, and it seems that others with feelings like mine have found their own hurt in it."

As the months went by and the excitement died down, the B.B.C. agreed to release "Gloomy Sunday", but only as an instrumental. This version was later made into a record. A London policemen heard this particular arrangement being repeatedly and endlessly played in a nearby apartment. He considered this to be worthy of investigation. Upon entering the apartment, he found an automatic phonograph playing and replaying the tune. Next to it was a woman, dead from an overdose of barbiturates. It was this incident which prompted the B.B.C. to reimpose its ban on the song. To this day it has not been lifted.

As a final note, "Gloomy Sunday" was introduced to the U.S. market in 1936. However, getting it recorded was no easy matter. Bob Allen and members of the Hal Kemp band were the first to record "Gloomy Sunday" in the U.S. They were noticeably affected while making the record. It took twenty-one takes to turn out a record good enough to publish. Few people who have ever listened to the melody and lyrics fail to confess that it has a horribly depressing effect.

Finally, it is not surprising to note that Rezső Seress, the composer of "Gloomy Sunday", committed suicide in 1968.
Og her er låta (lytt på eget ansvar)



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Randy Newman har forøvrig levert en låt med samme tittel som Townes´tristeste. Ikke akkurat lystig den heller.
"Every time it rains" fra samme mann hører også hjemme på lista.
Randy Newman burde flere høre mere på!


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Det er jeg helt enig med deg i, Xerxes!

Ellers må jeg si du har funnet to av de tristeste låtene jeg kan tenke meg, Townes. Lenger ned enn dettte er det vel vanskelig å komme. Husker jeg frøs da jeg hørte Zevon-låta aller første gang.


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Randy Newman har forøvrig levert en låt med samme tittel som Townes´tristeste. Ikke akkurat lystig den heller.
"Every time it rains" fra samme mann hører også hjemme på lista.
Randy Newman burde flere høre mere på!
Dessverre står ikke Norge på turneplan i nærmeste framtid.


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Nei, vi får trøste oss med noen av de strålende skivene hans...


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Sjekk ut Lou Reed: ''Berlin''


Den har jeg nok grått mest til.
'....their taking her children away/....'
Lenge siden jeg har spillt den, (blir slitsomt i lengden!) men av en eller annen grunn har jeg to ex av lp'en :confused:

..har hørt van Zandt, men skal selvsagt ta en dobbeltsjekk med 'Marie' en dag jeg er i riktig humør....


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Hører på Marie fra Live at Blå Rock og ja, det er verdens blåeste låt. Triste skjebner var Townes' hjemmebane.


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Jessheim | Ullensaker
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Nick cave har jo et knippe gladlåter.
en av mine favoritter er nok up jumped the devil fra tender pray skiva. Blir alltid godt humør av denne låta igrunn.

O My O My
What a wretched life
I was born on the day
That my poor mother died
I was cut from her belly
With a stanley knife
My daddy did a jig
With the drunk midwife

Who's that younder all in flames
Dragging behind him a sack of chains
Who's that younder all in flames
Up jumped the Devil and he staked his claim

O poor heart
I was doomed from the start
Doomed to play
The villians part
I was the baddest Johnny
In the apple cart
My blood was blacker
Than the of a dead nun's heart

Who's that milling on the courthouse steps
Nailing my face to the hitching fence
Who's that milling on the courthouse steps
Up jumped the Devil and off he crept

O no O no
Where could I go
With my hump of trouble
And my sack of woe
To the digs and deserts of Mexico
Where my neck was safe from the lynching rope

Who's that younder laughing at me
Like I was the brunt of some hilarity
Who's that younder laughing at me
Up jumped the Devil 1, 2, 3

Ha-Ha Ha Ha
How lucky we were
We hit the cathouse
And sampled their whares
We got as drunk
As a couple of Czars
One night I spat out
My lucky stars

Who's that dancing on the jailhouse roof
Stamping on the ramping with a cloven hoof
Who's that dancing on the jailhouse roof
Up jumped the Devil and said "Here is your man and I got a proof"

O no don't go O no
O slow down Joe
The righteous part
I straight as an arrow
Take a walk
And you'll find it too narrow
Too narrow for the likes of me

Who's that hanging from the gallow tree
His eyes are hollow but he looks like me
Who's that swinging from the gallow tree
Up jumped the Devil and took my soul from me

Down we go Down we go Down we go
The Devil and me Down we go down down down
Hell fire and flames Down we go Down we go
To Eternity Down we go We go down down down
Down we go we go down down down
Down we go the Devil and me to Eternity
We go down down down down down ad inferno


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Jeg må legge til at på samme måte som ''Low'', ''Heroes'' og ''Lust For Life'' er ''Berlin'' et enhetlig verk. Smaksprøver av enkeltlåter vil aldri
bevege deg på samme måte som hele verket.

Hører på Marie fra Live at Blå Rock og ja, det er verdens blåeste låt. Triste skjebner var Townes' hjemmebane.
(...angående denne, om noen kan låne meg et eks slik at jeg får brent den (evt. brenne en til meg) vil jeg være evig takknemlig.
Var tilstede på konserten - og det var rett og slett en rystende opplevelse! Men var 2 timer for seint ute for cd'en.)



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Hører på Marie fra Live at Blå Rock og ja, det er verdens blåeste låt. Triste skjebner var Townes' hjemmebane.
Mine datatekniske evner rekker ikke langt men hvis jeg søker townes van zandt marie på youtube så er det første som kommer opp en akustisk versjon med bare Townes og en gitar. Uten pynt og dikkedarer - og uten bilder - men hjerteskjærende trist. Og usannsynlig vakkert.


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Townes er definitivt en av de bedre på triste låter.
Jeg tror man får litt innblikk i Townes i dette intervjuet, se spørsmålet på 1:33

Denne er vel ikke en han er veldig kjent for, men må nevnes:

Ribbons of love, please keep me true sane
Until I reach home on the morrow
Never, never to wander again
I'm weak and I'm weary of sorrow
London to Dublin, Australia to Perth
I gazed at your sky, I tasted your earth
Sung out my heart for what it was worth
Never again shall I ramble
There's nowhere left in this world where to go
My arms, my legs they're a-tremblin'
Thoughts both clouded and blue as the sky
Not even worth the rememberin'
Now as I stumble and reel to my bed
All that I've done, all that I've said
Means nothin' to me, I'd soon as be dead
All of this world be forgotten
No words of comfort, no words of advice
Nothin' to offer a stranger
Gone the love, gone the spite
It just doesn't matter no longer
My sky's getting far, the ground's gettin' close
My self goin' crazy, the way that it does
I'll lie on my pillow and sleep if I must
Too late to wish, I'd been stronger
Too late to wish, I'd been stronger


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Fantastisk låt den Townes låten.
Men tror eg vil plassere Nick Cave sin versjon av Nina Simone sin "Plain Gold ring" som en av mine trist sang favoritter.


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Indre Østfold
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Akkurat nå er det Stein Torleif Bjella som står for min min musikalske favorittristesse


Yndlingsengel (fra Heim For å Døy (2013))
sonen min gjekk burt i fjor
eit vogntog stal min augestein
min sorg va den største
eg fann trøyst i at Gud tokn heim

mitt liv gav eg te Gud
prata varmt om koss alt skulle bi
om himmelsk lov og gode Jesus
som har sett so mange sjeli fri

eg prata alltid Guds sak
sjøl om biletet er brent inn
blodvarm hud mot stål
er minne om guten min

va han din yndlingsengel
va det ein maktdemonstrasjon
du kunne godt ha venta
te eg sjøl va lagt i jordn

korfor måtte du straffe uss so
va sonen min for god

va han din yndlingsengel
va det ein maktdemonstrasjon
du kunne godt ha venta
te eg sjøl va lagt i jordn

Ellers kan man lett deppe og gråte en hel kveld med TVZ

But the times were hard, Lord,
the jobs were few
all through Tecumseh valley
but she asked around
and a job she found
tending bar at Gypsy Sally's

She saved enough to get back home
when spring replaced the winter
but her dreams were denied
her pa had died
the word come down from Spencer

So she turned to whorin' out on the streets
with all the lust inside her
and it was many a man
returned again
to lay himself beside her

They found her down beneath the stairs
that led to Gypsy Sally's
in her hand when she died
was a note that cried
fare thee well... Tecumseh valley

The name she gave was Caroline
daughter of a miner
her ways were free
it seemed to me
that sunshine walked beside her

Sometimes I don't know where this dirty road is taking me
Sometimes I can't even see the reason why
I guess I keep on gamblin', lots of booze and lots of ramblin'
It's easier than just a-waitin' 'round to die

One-time friends I had a ma, I even had a pa
He beat her with a belt once cause she cried
She told him to take care of me, she headed down to Tennessee
It's easier than just a-waitin' 'round to die

I came of age and found a girl in a Tuscaloosa bar
She cleaned me out and hit it on the sly
I tried to kill the pain, I bought some wine and hopped a train
Seemed easier than just a-waitin' 'round to die

A friend said he knew where some easy money was
We robbed a man and brother did we fly
The posse caught up with me, drug me back to Muskogee
It's two long years, just a-waitin' 'round to die

Now I'm out of prison, I got me a friend at last
He don't steal or cheat or drink or lie
His name's codeine, he's the nicest thing I've seen
Together we're gonna wait around and die
Together we're gonna wait around and die


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Denne er jo ganske vakkertrist da; (når waitin around to die allerede er nevnt)

en sang jeg vokste opp med gjennom min fars story of the blues antologi


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Jeg synes denne av Ween er ganske så trist

Why they wanna see my spine mommy?
Why they wanna see my spine?
It's gonna hurt again mommy
Much worse than last time
Am I gonna see God, mommy?
Am I gonna die?
It really hurts mommy!
Am I gonna die?

Smile on mighty Jesus
Spinal Meningitis got me down

I'm feelin' greasy mommy
Please don't let me die
Stinky vaseline mommy!
Please don't let me die
Am I gonna see God, mommy?
Am I gonna die?
It really hurts mommy!
Am I gonna die?

Smile on mighty Jesus
Spinal Meningitis got me down


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Jeeez! Det var en skrudd sang!
Topp Bunn