

Hi-Fi freak
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Sv: Hermeleken

27 døde i opprør i Pakistan
- Virkelig utklassing
Olje sporløst borte i Irak
- Vil ikke overleve i bra...
Galleribrann i Oslo
- Thorvald må bestemme se...
Her jages sexrival (30) a...
- De hvite høretelefonene...
Gasstank eksploderte i Århus
Trapper ned søket etter M...


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Oslo Vest
Sv: Hermeleken


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, released in March 2007, contains more than 1200 components with development spanning over a two year period, so there are a huge number of new features covering a broad range of functionality. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 provides CIOs and IT managers with the means to reduce costs while improving operational flexibility throughout their computing infrastructure.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux IT Benefits

The following list provides a brief summary of the more important enhancements. For additional details, see the server and desktop product sections.
Virtualization on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

* Virtualization is provided in all Server products and is optionally available for Client products
* Storage and extended server virtualization are provided with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform
* Red Hat Network supports virtualized guest operating systems
* virt-manager, libvirt/virsh management tools

* Learn more about Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Virtualization

Kernel and Performance

* Based on the Linux 2.6.18 kernel
* Support for multi-core processors
* Broad range of new hardware support
* Updated crash dump capability provided by Kexec/Kdump
* Support for Intel Network Accelerator Technology (IOAT)
* Numerous enhancements for large SMP systems
* Enhanced pipe buffering
* IPv4/IPv6 fragmentation offload and buffer management
* Dynamically switchable per-queue I/O schedulers
* Kernel buffer splice capability for improved I/O buffer operations


Transition of previous Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, ES, WS and Red Hat Desktop offerings with simplified server and client products:

* View version comparison chart
* View subscription comparison chart


* Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform - formerly known as Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux - formerly known as Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES

* View server comparison chart


* Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop - formerly known as Red Hat Desktop
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop with Workstation option - formerly known as Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS

* View desktop comparison chart


* SELinux enhancements include Multi-Level Security and targeted policies for all services
* SEtroubleshooter GUI simplifies SELinux management
* Integrated directory and security capabilities
* IPSEC enhancements improve security and performance
* ExecShield enhancements, such as a call frame Canary word, strengthen hacker defenses
* New Audit features provide powerful new search/reporting and real-time monitoring

Networking & Interoperability

* Network storage enhancements include Autofs, FS-Cache, and iSCSI support
* IPv6 support and conformance enhancements
* Improved Microsoft ® file/print and Active Directory integration


* Desktop enhancements include updated configuration tools, applications, and laptop support
* Foundational Stateless Linux features (X autoconfigure, NetworkManager, etc.)
* Improved ACPI support with features such as suspend to disk
* Smart card login - with PKI/Kerberos authentication
* Integrated multimedia support
* Enhanced plug and play hardware support (cameras, printers, scanners, etc.)
* Network Manager provides automatic wired and wireless network configuration
* Enhanced graphics using AIGLX/Compiz (with fading, transparency, etc.)

Development Environment

* Enhanced application development tools including SystemTap profiler and Frysk debugger
* GCC 4.1 and glibc 2.5 toolchain


* Support for root device multipath IO (MPIO) improves availability
* Single system/guest version of Red Hat Global File System included in the base server product
* Block device data encryption support


* Numerous installer improvements make system configuration simpler
* Yum/Pup-based updater for Red Hat Network
* Conga cluster and storage management (with Advanced Platform)


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Sv: Hermeleken

Denne leken var OST!


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Sv: Hermeleken

Eller fitte og ost, må vel bli "pult ost"?


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Oslo Vest
Sv: Hermeleken

In 1982, operatives from the USSR's Committee for State Security– known internationally as the KGB– celebrated the procurement of a very elusive bit of Western technology. The Soviets were developing a highly lucrative pipeline to carry natural gas across the expanse of Siberia, but they lacked the software to manage the complex array of pumps, valves, turbines, and storage facilities that the system would require. The United States possessed such software, but the US government had predictably turned down their Cold War opponent's request to purchase the product.

Never ones to allow the limitations of the law to dictate their actions, the KGB officials inserted an agent to abduct the technology from a Canadian firm. Unbeknownst to the Soviet spies, the software they stole sported a little something extra: a few lines of computer code which had been inserted just for them.

Over the years the scientists of the Soviet Union had proven themselves highly adept at engineering feats such as space flight, but they lacked the technical know-how of American industry in areas such as computers and microelectronics. So agents of the USSR had procured pipeline technology from outside sources in order to tap the Urengoi natural gas field in Siberia and transport its bounty to Europe. But none of the USSR's fellow governments were willing to sell the sophisticated control software– largely due to the US's efforts to block the sale of Soviet gas in Europe.

In July 1981, during a conference in Ottawa, French President Francois Mitterrand took US President Ronald Reagan aside to share some intriguing information. Mitterrand told him of a mountain of secret Soviet documents which detailed the penetration of KGB spies in US industries. The source of these documents was Colonel Vladimir I. Vetrov, a fifty-three year old engineer working for the KGB's Directorate T, a department dedicated to the acquisition of Western technology. French President Francois Mitterrand and US President Ronald ReaganFrench President Francois Mitterrand and US President Ronald ReaganVetrov's duties included the evaluation of the intelligence procured by the department's Line X field agents. Vetrov had become disillusioned with the Communist ideal, however, and in 1980 he defected and began supplying French agents with copies of Directorate T documents. The French assigned him the codename "Farewell."

As members of the US Central Intelligence Agency began to receive and digest these documents, it became abundantly clear that the KGB was making up for their country's shortcomings in computer technology by employing a vast and efficient network of spies. During the Nixon administration the US government had favored a policy of diplomacy and cooperation known as détente, and the "Farewell" documents showed that Soviets had taken advantage of this openness as a means to insert hundreds of Line X operatives into visiting delegations. During a visit to Boeing, for instance, Soviet scientists secretly applied adhesive to the bottom of their shoes in order to covertly collect metal samples from the floor. The documents also indicated that one of the Soviet Cosmonauts working on the joint Apollo-Soyuz spacecraft project was a KGB operative.

In all, Vetrov provided approximately four thousand documents to the French comprising a collection of data which exposed an astonishing degree of Soviet subterfuge. Ironically, the US had not been engaged in a true technology race with the Soviet Union, rather the US researchers had been constantly attempting to outdo themselves as the KGB cunningly pilfered the progress. The defector's documents also provided a detailed list of all of the technologies the Soviets had set out to gain through such means, consisting primarily of radar, computers, machine tools, and semiconductors. By all evidence, the Line X agents had already fulfilled over two-thirds of the requirements.

Rather than immediately arranging the deportation of the 200+ covert KGB agents named in the "Farewell" documents, CIA officials opted to ply their counter-intelligence trade. Perhaps the most useful data to fall out of Vetrov's leaked intelligence was a list of the technologies which Directorate T was seeking but had yet to acquire. Working in concert with the US Defense Department and the FBI, the CIA began to organize a large-scale conspiracy to plant deliberately defective information for the Line X operatives to stumble upon. Inaccurate-yet-convincing plans for stealth aircraft, space shuttles, machine parts, and chemicals were peppered throughout US industry. Over the following months the polluted intelligence found its way into Soviet manufacturing and military, causing inexplicable problems in tractor factories, chemical production, and aircraft research among other things.

A KGB officer's badgeA KGB officer's badgeAfter the US government denied the USSR's request to buy the software to automate their new trans-Siberian pipeline, a KGB agent was covertly sent to a Canadian company to steal the software. A new batch of Farewell Dossier documents brought these efforts to the attention of the CIA, prompting US agents to tailor a special version of the software for the Soviets, and plant it at the company in question. Delighted at the ease of procuring the program, the Soviets tested their complete pipeline automation system and everything seemed to hum along smoothly. By about the middle of 1982, the pipeline was pumping massive amounts of natural gas across Kazakhstan and Russia to Eastern Europe, bringing in a tidy profit for the USSR government.

Some weeks after going online, in the summer of 1982, the clandestine code in the pipeline control program asserted itself. Disguised as an automated system test, the software instructed a series of valves, turbines, and pumps to increase the pipeline's pressure far beyond its capacity, putting considerable strain on the line's many joints and welds over a period of time. One day, somewhere in the cold loneliness of Siberia, the overexerted pipeline finally succumbed to the pressure.

As satellites for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) watched from orbit, a massive explosion rocked the Siberian wilderness. The fireball had an estimated destructive power of three kilotons, or about 1/4 the strength of the Hiroshima bomb. Initially NORAD suspected a nuclear test, but there was only silence from the satellites which would have detected the telltale electromagnetic signature. US military officials who were not privy to the Farewell Dossier activities were understandably concerned about the event– one of the largest non-nuclear blasts ever recorded– but the CIA quietly assured them that there was nothing to worry about. It would be fourteen years before the real cause of the event would be revealed.

It was impossible for the CIA to predict which section of the pipeline would fail once their trojan horse released its payload, but fortunately the failure occurred in a remote location. In spite of the massive energy that was released when the line ruptured and ignited there were no injuries or deaths reported. An example of a pipeline ruptureAn example of a pipeline ruptureBut the Soviet economy itself was severely injured by the blast. When investigators in the USSR eventually discovered that the event had been triggered by sabotaged software, the KGB leadership were furious, but unable to lodge any official protest regarding the deliberate defect since that would also expose their own large-scale espionage efforts.

Upon realizing that the CIA was serving imitation intelligence, the other recent problems with US-derived designs were no longer so mysterious. Given the dramatic results of the pipeline bug, all of the burgled Western technology was immediately cast under suspicion, a situation which mired the Soviet's borrowed progress in a pit of uncertainty and suspicion.

Colonel Vladimir I. Vetrov fed vital information to French intelligence officials for well over a year, ultimately providing over 4,000 photographed documents. In January 1982, however, the French intelligence agency stopped receiving any more information from him. Later they learned that he had been walking in a Moscow park when he stabbed a fellow KGB operative and a woman for reasons unknown. His espionage activities were exposed during the ensuing police investigation, and he was executed for treason in 1983 on 23 February 1985.

The following year, as the Soviet economy struggled to recover, the United States and NATO dealt a further blow to the USSR by executing a massive deportation of all of the Line X agents named in the Farewell Dossier. With their US and European technology-gathering network in shambles, their giant technology espionage machine ground to a halt.

The documents regarding the CIA's Farewell disinformation campaign were declassified in 1996, finally revealing the truth about the massive Siberian pipeline explosion fourteen years after it happened. The orchestrated subterfuge was one of the most successful US inter-agency efforts ever undertaken, and it was executed with such skill that it was never detected. Some condemn the deliberate, massive explosion as thinly veiled terrorism given the lack of an open war with the Soviet Union, while others insist that ill-gotten goods are the plunderer's problem. In any case, it clearly demonstrates that software piracy can have very serious consequences.


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Sv: Hermeleken

Fradrag for kostnader til erverv, vedlikehold eller sikring av inntekt
§ 6-10. Avskrivning

(1) Det gis fradrag for avskrivning for verdiforringelse ved slit eller elde på betydelige driftsmidler, jf. §§ 14-30 flg.

(2) Det gis fradrag for avskrivning av forretningsverdi som er ervervet ved

a. kjøp av virksomhet, eller
b. overtakelse av virksomhet ved arv eller gave når det er betalt arveavgift av verdien.

(3) Fradrag for avskrivning av annet immaterielt driftsmiddel enn forretningsverdi gis bare hvis verdifallet er åpenbart. Er det immaterielle driftsmidlet en tidsbegrenset rettighet kan avskrivninger likevel kreves i samsvar med § 14-50.

(4) For livsforsikringsselskaper, private tjenestepensjonskasser eller kommunale og fylkeskommunale pensjonskasser skal det ved avskrivning etter første ledd tas hensyn til regnskapsmessige verdiendringer som gjelder selskapenes eller kassenes faste eiendom som er inntekts- eller fradragsført etter § 14-4 tredje ledd.

Endret ved lover 20 des 2002 nr. 99 (f o m inntektsåret 2003), 9 des 2005 nr. 116 (f o m inntektsåret 2005).

§ 6-11. Vedlikehold og forsikring av hus, skip og annet driftsmiddel

Det gis fradrag for kostnad til vedlikehold og forsikring av hus samt lignende kostnad for skip, fiskebåt og annet driftsmiddel. Det gis ikke fradrag ved skattefri bruk av egen bolig eller fritidsbolig, jf. kapittel 7.

Endret ved lov 10 des 2004 nr. 77 (f o m inntektsåret 2005).

§ 6-12. Bilhold

(1) Fradrag for kostnad ved bilhold reduseres med det beløp som faller på bruk av bilen til privatkjøring. Reduksjonsbeløpet fastsettes etter § 5-13.

(2) Reduksjon etter første ledd skal ikke overstige 75 prosent av de beregnede samlede kostnadene ved bilholdet. Kostnadene fastsettes til driftskostnader med et tillegg for verdiforringelse beregnet ut fra 17 prosent årlige saldoavskrivninger med utgangspunkt i bilens listepris som ny.

(3) Departementet kan gi forskrift om beregningen etter annet ledd.

Endret ved lover 21 des 2001 nr. 112 (f o m inntektsåret 2002), 10 des 2004 nr. 77 (f o m inntektsåret 2005).

§ 6-13. Opphold utenfor hjemmet

(1) Skattyter som av hensyn til arbeidet må bo utenfor hjemmet, gis fradrag for merkostnader på grunn av fraværet. Fradrag gis etter satser som fastsettes av departementet. Dersom skattyter godtgjør å ha hatt større kostnader, kan det kreves fradrag for disse. Skattyter som ikke legitimerer arten av bosted slik departementet har bestemt, gis fradrag etter laveste sats. Fradrag for reisekostnader ved besøk i hjemmet gis etter § 6-44.

(2) I virksomhet skal fradrag for kostutgifter som påføres ved yrkesreise med overnatting ikke reduseres med kostbesparelsen i hjemmet.

(3) Departementet kan gi forskrift til utfylling og gjennomføring av denne paragraf, herunder gi regler om fradrag for merutgifter for personer med hjem i EØS-området.

Endret ved lover 17 des 1999 nr. 94 (f o m inntektsåret 2000), 10 des 2004 nr. 77 (f o m inntektsåret 2005), 17 juni 2005 nr. 74 (f o m inntektsåret 2005).

§ 6-14. Elektronisk kommunikasjonskostnad

Fradrag for kostnad til elektronisk kommunikasjon reduseres med det beløp som faller på privatbruken. Reduksjonsbeløpet fastsettes etter § 5-12 femte ledd. Departementet kan gi forskrift til utfylling og gjennomføring av denne paragraf.

Tilføyd ved lov 9 des 2005 nr. 113 (f o m inntektsåret 2006).

§ 6-15. Skatt og avgift på fast eiendom, virksomhet eller yrke m.v.

Det gis fradrag for skatt og avgift på fast eiendom eller særskilt virksomhet eller yrke. Det gis ikke fradrag ved skattefri bruk av egen bolig eller fritidsbolig, jf. kapittel 7.

Endret ved lov 10 des 2004 nr. 77 (f o m inntektsåret 2005).

§ 6-16. Arveavgift

Når krav på en fordel er ervervet ved arv eller gave og fordelen regnes som inntekt, gis fradrag for arveavgift som er betalt av fordelen.

§ 6-17. Utnyttelse av naturforekomst

Ved fastsettelse av fradrag for kostnad ved utnyttelse av naturforekomst tas det hensyn til forårsaket jordskade. Kan det antas at forekomsten har bevirket en økning av eiendommens kostpris ved ervervet, gis det forholdsmessig fradrag i inntekten.

§ 6-18. Foreningskontingenter

Fradrag gis ikke for foreningskontingent utenom de tilfellene som omfattes av § 6-19 og § 6-20.

§ 6-19. Kontingent til arbeidsgiverforening og til visse yrkes- og næringsorganisasjoner

(1) Det gis fradrag for kontingent til arbeidsgiverforening. Fradraget kan ikke settes høyere enn til to promille av samlet utbetalt lønn. Departementet kan samtykke i helt eller delvis fradrag for særkontingent til bransjeforening eller landssammenslutning som er tilsluttet en arbeidsgiverforening. Hvis en arbeidsgiver nekter å inngå tariffavtale med en ansatt som er organisert og som fremsetter krav om tariffavtale, bortfaller arbeidsgiverens fradragsrett. Departementet kan i tvilstilfelle avgjøre om en sammenslutning skal regnes som arbeidsgiverforening.

(2) Det gis fradrag for kontingent til landsomfattende yrkes- og næringsorganisasjon når foreningen har som hovedformål å ivareta de økonomiske interessene for den ervervsgruppen skattyteren tilhører. Den delen av kontingenten som går til forsikringspremie eller andre formål utenfor foreningsvirksomheten, er ikke fradragsberettiget. Fradrag gis kun til aktiv yrkesutøver eller næringsdrivende og er betinget av at det senest ved selvangivelsesfristens utløp legges frem attest for innbetalt kontingent. Fradrag kan enten gis med inntil 2.700 kroner eller med inntil to promille av samlet utbetalt lønn. Fradrag gis ikke dersom skattyter krever fradrag for fagforeningskontingent etter § 6-20. Departementet avgjør i tvilstilfelle om en sammenslutning skal regnes som yrkes- eller næringsorganisasjon. Når særlige grunner foreligger, kan departementet bestemme at kontingent til slik organisasjon skal være fradragsberettiget selv om organisasjonen ikke er landsomfattende.

(3) Samlet fradrag etter første og annet ledd kan ikke overstige to promille av samlet utbetalt lønn.

(4) Departementet kan gi nærmere regler om gjennomføring av fradragsretten etter denne paragraf, herunder regler om organisasjonenes opplysnings- og oppgaveplikt, avrundingsregler m.v.

Endret ved lover 17 des 1999 nr. 94 (f o m inntektsåret 2000), 20 des 2002 nr. 99 (f o m inntektsåret 2003), 27 juni 2003 nr. 63 (f o m inntektsåret 2003), 12 des 2003 nr. 107 (f o m inntektsåret 2004), 9 des 2005 nr. 116 (f o m inntektsåret 2006), 15 des 2006 nr. 81 (f o m inntektsåret 2007).

§ 6-20. Fagforeningskontingent

(1) Det gis fradrag for kontingent til landsomfattende arbeidstakerorganisasjon som har forhandlingsrett etter lov om offentlige tjenestetvister eller har inngått tariffavtale på vegne av medlemmene. Det samme gjelder kontingent til Norges Fiskarlag.

(2) Departementet kan bestemme at kontingent til enkelte organisasjoner skal kunne trekkes fra selv om vedkommende organisasjon ikke er landsomfattende.

(3) Kontingent til arbeidstakerorganisasjon opprettet etter 1. juli 1977 kan bare kreves fratrukket når organisasjonen står tilsluttet en hovedsammenslutning. Departementet kan samtykke i at også kontingent til annen organisasjon som er opprettet etter det nevnte tidspunkt, kan føres til fradrag.

(4) Fradrag er betinget av at skattyter er lønnstaker eller aktiv fisker og betaler slik kontingent. Fradrag kan samlet gis med inntil 2.700 kroner eller med en forholdsmessig del av dette beløpet når fradragsberettiget kontingent er betalt for bare en del av året.

(5) Innbefatter kontingent som nevnt i første ledd forsikringspremie, kommer også denne delen av kontingenten til fradrag innenfor beløpsgrensen i fjerde ledd i den utstrekning premien ikke overstiger grenser som fastsettes av departementet.

(6) Departementet kan gi nærmere regler om gjennomføring av fradragsretten etter denne paragraf, herunder regler om organisasjonenes opplysnings- og oppgaveplikt, avrundingsregler m.v.

Endret ved lover 17 des 1999 nr. 94 (f o m inntektsåret 2000), 20 des 2002 nr. 99 (f o m inntektsåret 2003), 27 juni 2003 nr. 63 (f o m inntektsåret 2003), 12 des 2003 nr. 107 (f o m inntektsåret 2004), 9 des 2005 nr. 116 (f o m inntektsåret 2006), 15 des 2006 nr. 81 (f o m inntektsåret 2007).

§ 6-21. Representasjon

Fradrag gis ikke for kostnad ved representasjon. Departementet kan gi forskrift til utfylling og gjennomføring av denne paragraf, herunder om hvordan kostnad ved representasjon skal avgrenses i forhold til kostnad som kan føres til fradrag i inntekt.

§ 6-22. Bestikkelse m.v.

Fradrag gis ikke for bestikkelse og annen ytelse som er vederlag for urettmessig motytelse, eller som tar sikte på å oppnå en slik motytelse. Motytelsen er urettmessig både når den strider mot den alminnelige forretningsmoral eller forvaltningsskikk på det stedet motytelsen skjer eller skulle ha skjedd, og når den ville stride mot den alminnelige forretningsmoral eller forvaltningsskikk i Norge.

§ 6-23. Utbyttekompensasjon

Det gis ikke fradrag for utbyttekompensasjon som nevnt i § 10-11 tredje ledd.

Tilføyd ved lov 6 juni 2003 nr. 36 (i kraft 1 jan 2004 iflg. res. 19 des 2003 nr. 1588).

§ 6-24. Kostnader med tilknytning til skattefri aksjeinntekt mv.

(1) Det gis fradrag for kostnad som pådras for å erverve inntekt som er fritatt for skatteplikt etter § 2-38.

(2) Det gis likevel ikke fradrag for ervervs- og realisasjonskostnader.

Tilføyd ved lov 9 des 2005 nr. 113 (f o m inntektsåret 2005).

§ 6-25. Kostnader til forskning og utvikling

Kostnader til egen forskning og utvikling knyttet til konkrete prosjekter som kan bli eller er blitt til driftsmidler, skal behandles som del av kostprisen for vedkommende driftsmiddel.

Tilføyd ved lov 9 des 2005 nr. 116 (f o m inntektsåret 2005).



Ble medlem
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Torget vurderinger
Sv: Hermeleken

Oddgeir !

OSTene i Likningsnemda foretar uansett bare en gjennomskjæring slik at regnskapsførers kreative forslag ender som ille luktende gammelOST !


Hi-Fi freak
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Sv: Hermeleken

Ja, og det har du så evig rett i.


Sv: Hermeleken

"The displacement of the idea that facts and evidence matter by the idea that everything boils down to subjective interests and perspectives is -- second only to American political campaigns -- the most prominent and pernicious manifestation of anti-intellectualism in our time."
-- Larry Laudan, Science and Relativism, 1990

"Critical-thinking skills": A phrase that implies an ability to analyze ideas and solve problems while taking a sufficiently independent, "critical" stance toward authority to think things out for one's self. It is an admirable educational goal for citizens of a democracy, and one that has been advocated in the United States since Jefferson. The ability to think critically is a goal that is likely to be accepted by all American educational theorists. But it is a goal that can easily be oversimplified and sloganized. In the progressive tradition that currently dominates our schools, "critical thinking" has come to imply a counterpoise to the teaching of "mere facts," in which, according to the dominant caricature, sheep-like students passively absorb facts from textbooks or lecture-style classrooms. Critical thinking, by contrast, is associated with active, discovery learning and with the autonomous, independent cast of mind that is desirable for the citizens of a democracy. Conceived in this progressive tradition, critical thinking belongs to the formalistic tool conception of education, which assumes that a critical habit of thought, coupled with an ability to read for the main idea and an ability to look things up, is the chief component of critical-thinking skills. This tool conception, however, is an incorrect model of real-world critical thinking. Independent-mindedness is always predicated on relevant knowledge: one cannot think critically unless one has a lot of relevant knowledge about the issue at hand. Critical thinking is not merely giving one's opinion. To oppose "critical thinking" and "mere facts" is a profound empirical mistake. Common sense and cognitive psychology alike support the Jeffersonian view that critical thinking always depends upon factual knowledge.
-- Prof. E. D. Hirsch, Jr., "The Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them"

"The problem with many youngsters today is not that they don't have opinions but that they don't have the facts on which to base their opinions."
-- Albert Shanker, quoted in "Debating the Standards", New York Times, Jan. 29, 1995

Om et par uker kan vi så tenke litt kritisk om OST.


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Torget vurderinger
Sv: Hermeleken



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Sv: Hermeleken

Skinke...!! ...nå er jeg drittlei ost....


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Sv: Hermeleken

Can`t touch me... (Family guy)


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Torget vurderinger
Sv: Hermeleken

ooooooost !


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Sv: Hermeleken

Stemning fra en Morsdag. 8)

Topp Bunn