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    Har du ikke handlet ennå? Da nå må du løpe! Begynner å bli utsolgt serru!

    Skøyeren, var ikke ment som noe negativt, bare en poengtering at de har hatt tilbudet lenge. Sikkert kanonsaker.
    Yepp. Siden jeg løp skoene av meg og kjøpte disse, så skulle vel det være et kvalitetstegn:cool: Men at tilbudet hadde vart så lenge, er jo dårlig nytt for denne gruppen???
    Canton skal være meget gode saker, og jeg prøver ikke å ødelegge moroa for noen, men pristilbudet har vel vært konstant pris på JFS Sound System sine sider i et år. Høyttalerne er ikke dårligere av den grunn, men man trenger sannsynligvis ikke foreta impulskjøp for å få til den prisen. Nok om det.


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    Viborg Danmark
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    Bliver nødt til at gøre opmærksom på en pladespiller i Danmark,det er en micro 1000 med 2 tonearme en sme serie 3 og en micro ma 505 ,det er en auktion på qxl dk som udløber d. 23 2 .pt er prisen 3050 ,selvsagt kan man ikke sige hvad den kommer til at koste ,men qxl er lidt hemmelige sider og der er ikke så mange igen der bruger dem -
    auktion nr er:Varenummer 804476526.
    med mange analoge hilsner


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    Ikke halvdårlig for en Krellklump:
    KRELL - FINN Torget
    God forsterker, men denne som ligger annonsert har de gamle, litt kjipe høyttalerterminalene som er både litt grunne til bananer, og litt vanskelig å stramme til skikkelig med spader. Ville heller ikke tatt den påståtte nyprisen på 65k for god fisk som annet enn veiledende pris, uten å bli forevist kvittering. Så det er muligens rom for litt pruting her. Men absolutt en kvalitetsforsterker IMO.


    En vanlig fyr fra bygda..
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    Nesten Gjøvik..
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    Ikke halvdårlig for en Krellklump:
    KRELL - FINN Torget
    God forsterker, men denne som ligger annonsert har de gamle, litt kjipe høyttalerterminalene som er både litt grunne til bananer, og litt vanskelig å stramme til skikkelig med spader. Ville heller ikke tatt den påståtte nyprisen på 65k for god fisk som annet enn veiledende pris, uten å bli forevist kvittering. Så det er muligens rom for litt pruting her. Men absolutt en kvalitetsforsterker IMO.

    Den kan nok prutes på...Bare så det er nevnt...
    • Liker
    Reaksjoner: 666


    Ble medlem
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    Ikke halvdårlig for en Krellklump:
    KRELL - FINN Torget
    God forsterker, men denne som ligger annonsert har de gamle, litt kjipe høyttalerterminalene som er både litt grunne til bananer, og litt vanskelig å stramme til skikkelig med spader. Ville heller ikke tatt den påståtte nyprisen på 65k for god fisk som annet enn veiledende pris, uten å bli forevist kvittering. Så det er muligens rom for litt pruting her. Men absolutt en kvalitetsforsterker IMO.

    Den kan nok prutes på...Bare så det er nevnt...
    Er du Trine? Jeg trodde du var en dude. :)


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    Og en 9 år gammel emc1 for 15k.. Solgte en for 7k selv :) - Tandbergen kjenner jeg ikke.

    Kleine Freiheit

    Det vet jeg, men har du sett på bildet? Det er ingen Acos jeg har kunnet google, men ser unektelig ut som en SME S2 improved med fixed headshell.
    Sist redigert:


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    Var ikke de prisene meget stive da?



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    Latterlig billig, om de er hele og pene- spør du meg.

    Har et par strøkne E/IV stående i reserve her. Om de noengang skal selges, snakker vi om noen tusenlapper til...


    Hi-Fi freak
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    Spesielt for vinyl elskere,full function preamp.


    Coherent Systems | Belles | 28A pre amplifier | Reference pre amplifier superb flexibility and musicality

    SoundStage! Equipment Review - Belles 350A Reference Stereo Amplifier (9/2006)

    Listening to the Belles 28AAfter hearing the 350A Reference with three perfectly good tube preamps, I didn’t feel that any of them were revealing all the performance the amp had to offer. I have been using tube preamps exclusively for 30 years, because in that time I’ve found only one solid-state preamp that was sonically better than the tube models I'd owned: an RE Designs six-channel unit. But that really wasn’t a practical product for my needs, so I kept waiting for the day I’d find a solid-state preamp that could finally end the tyranny of tubes I’ve been living with. Then Dave Belles offered up his new 28A, a solid-state preamp complete with moving-coil and moving-magnet phono stages.
    This is it -- the real deal. Never again will I stomp the floor and growl over another preamp tube gone microphonic. Never again will I sit down to listen to music knowing the preamp sounds just a little worse than it did yesterday. Never again will I have to accept tube hiss as background noise in my system. The 28A is so good that I may never feel compelled to use something different.
    The 28A is a low-gain preamp and, psychologically, it’s hard to get used to the volume control being between 12:00 and 3:00 all the time. Turn a tube preamp up that high and you are often rewarded with audible hiss from the speakers. The 28A stays silent, even when cranked beyond the 3:00 position.
    There’s a remote control for power, volume, mute, input selection and record monitor. All functions are available on front-panel toggle switches as well. The phono stage was fabulous with my .25Mv moving-coil cartridge -- that’s about half the output of most moving coils. Dynamics, detail and lack of noise were top-notch.
    The 28A is freakishly good at everything it does. Like the 350A Reference amp, it has no color, no limits bottom or top, and no hint anywhere of solid-state sound. Nor does it have any hint of tube sound. The 28A delivers everything you could want in terms of dynamics and harmonic content. The highs set the standard for what they should sound like from a preamp. The soundstage size is strictly a function of the recording. You can have flat or huge space; whatever is on the recording is what you’ll hear.
    If you are looking for a preamp with no sound and no detectable limitations, the 28A is it.
    ...Doug Blackburn


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    Pre/power amplifiers
    [h=1]Belles 28A/150A (£3750/£2750)[/h]By Ken Kessler & Paul Miller

    With a reference preamp offering two phono stage inputs, and 125W of stereo power amp, can this combo break free of the crowd?

    Americans have this phrase – probably politically incorrect – for those areas you never hear about. They call them the ‘flyover states’, a perfect description for anywhere that isn’t New York, California or Florida. Which is not to say that places like North Dakota, Idaho or Nebraska are totally without charm. They’re just not on everyone’s radar.
    So, too, does hi-fi have its equivalent of the flyover states, literally hundreds of brands that soldier on year after year in semi-obscurity, attending show after show. Occasionally, one has to ask: when did you last enter a shop that carried Lumen White? Klimo? FM Acoustics? This is not to say there’s anything wrong with the products, only that, well, I sometimes wonder what the hell they’re doing out there. And Belles is one of those brands that has a spot barely in my peripheral vision.
    Which is a shame, as the combination I’ve tried these past few weeks does not deserve anonymity. The 150A Reference power amp is a beefy, true dual-mono solid-state unit rated at 125W per channel, with only one quirk: it has an XLR input only for use in mono mode, which I’m assuming is balanced. Given that the 28A preamp has balanced outputs, it was a shame not to be able to use them. (This, of course, is a nifty way to get you to purchase a pair of 150A References.)

    But balanced outputs aren’t the 28A’s primary source of appeal. It has the de rigueur home theatre throughput, and it also accepts a balanced source. Operation is slick, the parts for both this and the power amp are all audiophile-grade, the socketry adheres to the status quo, I love the dinky little toggle switches, the behaviour is impeccable, the neat remote controls Power On/Off, Mute, Volume, Input and Mono – yadayadayada. No, what makes this one sit up and wag its tail like an eager-to-please puppy is the comprehensive phono section.
    Instead of a few coarse settings, Belles has provided a pair of phono inputs that will accommodate any moving-magnet phono cartridge, plus a head amplifier for moving-coils. The latter can be tailored to most cartridges through separate RCA inputs for cartridge loading, with supplied plugs covering 0–1000ohm and adding 26dB of gain; the moving-magnet input has 40dB of gain. With the exception of freaky cartridges beyond the norm, you’re unlikely to find one this unit can’t exploit to the fullest.
    Additionally, the 28A has three line-level inputs and a line-level balanced input; the latter is buffered with a discrete, differential Class A amplifier. Outputs are plentiful, too: two pairs each for balanced (XLR) and single-ended (RCA), as well as a home theatre bypass which routes the signal directly to the preamplifier outputs with unity gain. Integrating this into systems from vanilla stereo on up will never be a problem.
    In my case, the Belles siblings were fed from the Marantz CD-12/DA-12 and Musical Fidelity kW CD players, with analogue courtesy of the SME 30 turntable, Series V arm and cartridges including MCs from Lyra, Blue Angel and Transfiguration. Speakers included Sonus faber’s Auditor Elipsa, the Guarneris and PMC’s DB1+. Wire? Acrolink between the 28A and the Ref 150A, with Yter for speaker connections.

    First impressions being about as revealing of overall ‘feel’ as any amount of lengthy study might unveil, the Belles were subjected to a weekend run-in, even though the review samples had as much mileage on them as a Chicken Ranch hooker. And, as I found out later, the Belles should be classified with those components that, even after run-in from new, need a reasonable warm-up time from ice-cold. This being one bitch of a winter, I found that out when I left them off in an unheated studio for two days. My advice? If you want a demo in a store, ask them to switch on the Belles at least three hours before your appointment.

    That first impression told me that the ’150 sure has a way with bass control. I’d spent a day swapping between Led Zep on vinyl and the new Mothership CD, so thunderous lower registers were a major part of my diet. The Belleses (is that the plural?) ticked every box, especially evident in Bonham’s percussion as much as through Jones’ bass playing: deep, tight and smear-free when the speed picked up. Above them, Plant’s vocals maintained their requisite ability to cut through the rumbling, while Page...
    ...aaah, Jimmy Page. Torn as I am between Page, Beck, Clapton and Hendrix in my Killer Guitarist League Table, it’s always wonderful hearing a system that resolves the textures Page brings to the party. And while my tendency is to lean toward Hendrix, I have to credit both Zep’s eponymous debut and Led Zeppelin II with guitar moments that cause countless chills, with tweeters quivering in fear. Belles applied the same rules to the upper frequencies as it did to the bass, and those of you who like to be dazzled by transient attack followed by realistic decay will find the Belles amplifiers more than capable. And the dynamic swings are impressive enough to cope with every track from ‘Good Time Bad Times’ to ‘Kashmir’.

    Dial ahead three decades, and Robert Plant’s duet with Alison Krauss provides enough subtlety, atmosphere and ‘air’ to test the Belleses capacity for delicacy. As with pairings such as Ella/Satchmo, Lou Rawls/Dianne Reeves and, yes, Sonny and Cher (don’t laugh), Plant/Krauss is a showcase of contrasts. Aided and abetted by the calibre of musicians that populate the most in-demand studios, the duo has issued an album I’m betting will clean up at the Grammy Awards.
    Here, the Belles reveals that wonderful balancing act that allows you to alter your focus from a lone voice to the harmonising. Better still is observing the call-and-response nature of the finest duets; dig out your copy of Rawls’ At Last, select the track ‘Fine Brown Frame’ and try not to grin.
    Is there a downside? To varying degrees, I’ve heard better transparency and observed wider soundstages. Conversely, the Belles are easy to listen to for hours; I was reminded of the legendary Classé amplifiers of 20 years ago. But that was then and this is now. So a proper audition is mandatory.

    ‘Spin’ means a glass is either half-full or half-empty. The Belles’ strength is that they do nothing wrong, they sound better than merely good, and they are – lack of balanced inputs on the power amp aside – supremely flexible. Equally, that applies to dozens of amp packages for £6000+. But if LP playback is a priority, the 28A must go on your shortlist.



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    Etter et kjapt søk på google ser det ut til at man må stå på for å få fikset dette på garanti. Men startprisen er i hvert fall uansett lav! :)


    Ble medlem
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    Etter et kjapt søk på google ser det ut til at man må stå på for å få fikset dette på garanti. Men startprisen er i hvert fall uansett lav! :)
    Hehe bud på 140000.- nå
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