Belles venner

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  • ymir

    Hi-Fi freak
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    Who Was That Masked Man?


    Belles konstruksjoner slik jeg erfarer det viser en kontinuitet ut i fra et ideal som ikke spriker i alle retninger alt etter hvilken
    vei vinden blåser.

    Helt fra OCM er det brukt MOSfet på utgangen.Lyden viser mere en evolusjon en en revolusjon.

    Meget bra bass gjengivelse,organisk mellomtone og for min del som er svært kresen ang. den ikke slitsom.
    De leverer også et meget stort lydbilde,spesielt i bredden.

    Etter hva jeg leser om Belles 150a Hot Rod vil nok den være nærmere OCM 200......som minnet litt om Audion Silver Night
    som jeg en gang hørte på AG Duo ? Tror 300B er idealet til Belles.

    Til tider fikk du lyst til å reise deg opp og håndhilse på utøverne.

    O åpenhet
    C klarhet
    m musikalitet

    spesielt musikalitet legger Belles vekt på.INGEN lager så musikalske forsterkere som meg påstod han....i en samtale vi hadde.

    Belles nevnes ofte sammen med de store konstruktørene.Han var med på oppbyggingen av NASA sine kontrollrom før han startet
    med audio.Hans første audio konstruksjon var visstnok en høyttaler,og del ble vist også kun den ene....

    fra SoundStage:
    The only thing the new amplifier lacks is romance. I can't imagine the buyer of a practical, low-cost Starlight amp winning the girl of his dreams, building a real estate empire, making and losing millions of dollars, and then exiting through a ninth-floor window. The high rollers who pioneered the high-end audio hobby sometimes did. Not only the buyers crashed and burned. Some of the early hi-fi designers and manufacturers lived dangerously, as well. Names to mind include John Iverson, Andy Rappaport, Jim Bongiorno, Dave Belles, and of course, Mark Levinson. These fellows all had a common passion, class A power amplifiers--the real kind, the kind that turned on, played music, and blew up in class A, sometimes taking the business with them. After the ML-2s, I owned a dozen solid state amplifiers which ran scaldingly hot and operated (mostly) in class A . I can vouch for the magic of brute force. Paraphrasing Norma Desmond, we didn't need technology; we had class A, then.

    Fyller på med litt mer om David Belles

    David Belles has been behind a host of sensibly priced, high-quality amplifiers since 1978, both under the Belles brand and as a talented hired gun for other leading hi-fi companies. His prowess with electronics even played a part in the space race at mission control a little while ago, so he knows all about important signals getting through correctly.

    SoundStage! Belles 150A

    Who Was That Masked Man?

    Belles (pronounced Bel-less) may not be a familiar name/manufacturer to everybody. Dave Belles has been designing and building amplifiers in Rochester, NY since 1978. His first amp, the Belles A, was a solid state class A design. The Belles 150 amplifier of the late 80s was named one of the 10-best used high-end audio components in The Absolute Sound magazine in the early 1990s for good reason. The 150 was a classic moderate cost (list $795 during the final year or so of production) 75w/ch amplifier. Musicality, lack of common solid state amp artifacts, and solid overall performance set it apart from other solid state amplifiers near its price. In the late 80s, Dave Belles joined forces with the Magnum-Dynalab people. Dave designed and built the amplifiers under the OCM brand. The OCM-200 ($1,600, 100w) and OCM-500 ($2,800, 200+w) were initially a little "slow out of the blocks" but a few running production changes early-on transformed the OCM amps to "best in class" levels of performance. Later on Dave Belles-designed OCM preamps appeared along with the brute force OCM-1600 (around 800w and almost $10,000) monoblock amps. All of Dave Belles's products have received positive reviews in the worldwide high-end press.

    In the early 1990s I found myself in need of "the perfect $3,000 amplifier." I went on an amp rampage trying everything I could lay my hands on, new and used, that would not set me back more than $3,000. This included a number of more expensive amps offered at prices low enough to get under the limit. The OCM-500 won the search by a pretty fair margin.

    Time passes and the OCM-500 now finds a number of worthy competitors in its price range. Dave Belles is no longer working with the Magnum-Dynalab/OCM folks. He's back on his own, designing and building overachieving cost effective high end electronics. The 150A amplifier is the first product in the new Power Modules, Inc. lineup. I've had 2 brief listens to a prototype of a $1,500 (target list price) line stage that uses rechargeable battery power. This could be an awesome value if the final product sounds as good as what I heard. There was a clarity that exceeded every preamp I've heard so far. Watch SoundStage! for a full review when production units are available. Other new components coming in the near future will be:

    a $1,000 battery powered phono stage to go with the line stage for us vinyl lovers
    a $1,000 AC powered version of the battery preamp/line stage
    a $1700 high-powered amp in the "hundreds" of watts per channel range with fully balanced circuitry
    Power Modules, Inc. will focus on products in the under $2,000 price range. This is a different and welcome philosophy that will benefit those of us who want the best sound possible but have to worry about all the things in life that limit "discretionary funds." Now that you know a bit about Dave Belles and Power Modules, Inc., let's get on with the review of the 150A amplifier.£3750£2750

    But if LP playback is a priority, the 28A must go on your shortlist.



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    De nye Virtuoso forsterkerne tror jeg blir spennende. Dave Belles sier de er de beste han noengang har designet så det burde jo bli bra 8
    Skulle bare hatt en norsk distributør også....


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    Virtuososerien ser ut til at tar en stund før den kommer allikevel.
    Men den nye Aria Signature blir sikkert veldig bra den også. De snakker om ca 4500USD. Når de dobler prisen på den vanlige Aria (som er veldig bra), så tror jeg denne kan bli spennende.


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    Nå når Belles har pensjonert seg blir spørsmålet,hvem driver videre?
    Garantier,service.Utvikling av nye produkter basert på samme lydfilosofi.
    Elektronikken ser ut til ha samme grunnkonstruksjon som er utviklet/forfinet over mange år.
    Evolusjon altså og ingen revolusjon.

    Ville ikke nølt med å handle Belles fra England.
    Har vert stabil Belles importør i mange år.

    Belles selv var velvilligheten selv ang garantier og service.
    Var villig til å se på en gammel OCM jeg hadde,men fant ut at det allikevel ikke trengtes.
    Ene kanalen på 350a ref trengte en justering.
    Det var helt greit å ta ut kun den ene kanalen å sende den.Sparte mye i frakt der.

    Sitter å lytter til Rolf Lislevand over Quad S2,Belles 28a ref og Belles 350a ref V2.

    Belles kan konstruere elektronikk,og gi oss super lyd til en rimelig penge.
    Har vel samme filosofi som bl.a Musical Fidelity hadde en gang i tiden.
    God lyd trenger ikke koste årslønner.
    Som OCM 200,en gang kalt "fattigmanns Mark Levinson".
    Har liksom aldri følt noe stort behov for annen elektronikk/lyd enn det Belles konstruerer,
    bortsett fra en dragning mot klassikere i audio verden,da hovedsakelig som samleobjekter/museums gjenstander.


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    Snuser litt på Virtouso

    Dessverre ingen dac,der har jeg missforstått ikke fulgt med i timen.
    Venter på pris,men så langt...ta det for det det er,fra den første importøren til England Coherent-systems

    The Virtuoso amplifiers are available now order time is around 21 working days to ourselves, then shipping out to yourself.

    The Virtuoso is based on the SA-100 amplifier which is my personal favourite of the Belles models.

    The Ref 350v2 is a quality amplifier but we never sold that many here in the UK, it’s a big bouncy fun and warm sound with great reserves of power and no harshness in the sound. Ideal for former Krell owners who wished to listen to music rather than a forced sound.

    The 28a again we only ever sold a few of these most owners went for the VT-01 or LA-01 which brought much more musical insight, openness, detail and textural layering to the sound.

    Virtuoso offer more ability to really hear into the heart of the musical performance, superb imaging great depth of sound, superior detail retrieval and much more of a fluid and natural sound.

    A very positive step up from the Ref series.

    Unfortunately Belles does not produce a dac,

    Not sure about the politics, but perhaps these amps are too cheap...?

    Har også spurt om garanti/service siden Belles har pensjonert seg.
    Powermodules er derfor til salgs.
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