Audioaktøren presenterer EAR Yoshino!

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    EAR Yoshino har holdt på i 45 år, og de har en lang rekke produkter, og utmerkelser bak seg. De leverer integrerte forsterkere, mediaspillere, phonotrinn, forforsterkere, og effektforsterkere.

    EAR_88PB.jpg EAR_834.jpg EAR_868.jpg

    Hand Made in England

    Founding EAR - Esoteric Audio Research Ltd was established in England in 1976 with the EAR 509, a 100 watt valve monoblock power amplifier. The product was a balance of performance, reliability, size and cost which is why it is still in production today. The power amplifier left a solid foundation to design future EAR products. Since that time, there has been a full range of product built under this original philosophy. Ranging from studio recording equipment that captures the sound, through to recreating that sound in your living room.

    Heritage - Built on the founder's values, EAR products have a history of winning a long list of awards in a range of different product categories. These accolades are through the high-level care towards design and building of products. Values that have never changed. Leaving lasting products that customers have enjoyed over the years. Designed for those who want the very best in sound, these luxurious products have gained a great reputation on merit and are back up with great servicing and repair. The iconic vision that Tim has succeeded in creating has a strong presence, reaching all corners of the globe.

    Production - All products are assembled at our production facility in Cambridgeshire, England which enables us to have full control over production quality. Production engineers are highly familiar with the products with the average experience exceeding 10 years with EAR Yoshino. Each product is built from start to finish by a single engineer, fabricating a personal touch to the product that is closer to reassembling craftsmanship than the anonymous mass produced objects we have all become too familiar with. EAR’s high-end products are built from the finest materials and supplies possible. We strive to source parts locally as it enables us to partner closely with suppliers and have tight control on quality, all while reducing our transportation impact.

    Reliability - Valves or Vaccum tubes can be fickle things but with our extensive experience we believe we have a better understanding than most. When designed carefully they can produce a great deal of joy from their output whilst maintaining high reliability. Allowing users to leverage the great sound they produce without the drawbacks normally associated with valves. Being a mature developed technology, they are much more timeless that you would normally associate with electronics. We like to think they are more related to mechanical products like a finely crafted swiss watch.

    Recording each sound - Our belief is that recording sound is as important as its reproduction. Working closely with music production that includes the Exchange (London) and Mobile Fidelity (San Francisco), gives us a deep understanding of the sounds that are needed to be recreated. Reciprocity, with these studios, we aim to help extract the maximum possible from their setup that gives some of the luscious sounds you have probably already experienced from their work.

    Acknowledging our work with music production, all of our equipment has been designed for the highest demands of this environment that include high-end audio quality but also robust reliability.

    In Action - Some of the musical talent that use our equipment include Pink Floyd, Ringo Star, Kate Bush, Gary Barlow and Bob Ludwig.

    Audio Aktøren fører EAR Yoshino, samt en rekke produkter fra andre verdenskjente produsenter av High-End HiFi-utstyr.

    Ta kontakt med oss om du har spørsmål ang produkter, priser, trenger råd om oppsett, komponentsammensetning, akustiske tiltak, kabler, evt om du vil høre på et spesifikt produkt, eller en rekke produkter. Ring oss eller send mail.

    Du får tak i oss på tlf: Terje: 90762967 Jon : 92063085
    Og på mail: Jon:

    Vår hjemmeside:

    EAR Yoshino:


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