Tonearm kabel vs Interconnect kabel


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F.eks Nordost sin Leif serie tenker på Blue heaven tonearm kabel vs interconnect av samme type.
Tonearm versjonen kan selvfølgelig leveres med flere varianter av konnektorer og er med jordingskabel, men...
Er det noe forskjell på selve kabelen f.eks i XLR-XLR versjon?

Her er svaret fra Nordost:

"Good afternoon,

If you choose to use analog interconnects instead of a tone arm cable you really should audition them first. Some times it works flawlessly and other times you have hum due to not having a ground wire on analog interconnects. If you borrow one to try from your local dealer you can try it out before you purchase.

Analog interconnects are wired differently from tone arm cables and tone arm cables will always work where analog interconnects will work based on the turntable and phono stages ground interaction."
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