Politikk, religion og samfunn Nederlandsk cyberetterretning brøt inn i "Cozy Bear" (APT29).


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Cozy Bear, also referred to as APT29. Since 2010, this group has attacked governments, energy corporations and telecom companies around the world, including Dutch companies and ministries. Specialists from the best intelligence services, among them the British, the Israelis and the Americans, have been hunting Cozy Bear for years, as have analysts from major cybersecurity companies.

Nederlandsk cyberetterretning brøt seg inn i APT29. De var i stand til å overvåke all aktivitet fra gruppen, i tillegg til å kunne ta opp video fra APT29s overvåkningskameraer, slik at man kunne identifisere hvem som gikk inn og ut av operasjonsrommene.

The Dutch access to the Russian hackers' network soon pays off. In November, the Russians prepare for an attack on one of their prime targets: the American State Department. By now, they've obtained e-mail addresses and the login credentials of several civil servants. They manage to enter the non-classified part of the computer network.

The AIVD and her military counterpart MIVD inform the NSA-liaison at the American embassy in The Hague. He immediately alerts the different American intelligence services.

What follows is a rare battle between the attackers, who are attempting to further infiltrate the State Department, and its defenders, FBI and NSA teams - with clues and intelligence provided by the Dutch. This battle lasts 24 hours, according to American media.

The Russians are extremely aggressive but do not know they're being spied on. Thanks to the Dutch spies, the NSA and FBI are able to counter the enemy with enormous speed. The Dutch intel is so crucial that the NSA opens a direct line with Zoetermeer, to get the information to the United States as soon as possible.

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