Markedsføring av kabler som ikke henger på greip.


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Ser ut om klassisk google translate fra kinesisk :)
Ser sånn ut, for en brøler.

[h=3]uemouth Interactive[/h]Hi Jimmy - we've just heard back from our manufacturer. It seems there was an error in the "to English" language translation. The 'with antivirus protection to reduce virus noises' reference should have read - when translated to English - '100% mylar double-shield cable to reduce interference to obtain perfect image transmission.' We apologise for the oversight. Very seldomly things like this unfortunately do slip through. We'll fix this shortly in any residual marketing communications. In a positive sense, this product has been superseded for some time and this translation does not feature on the successor HDMI cable we now offer to retail. If you have any questions feel free to give us a call on +613 9646 4011 - ask for David Tipton; BM


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Några exempel från Hi-Fi Choice - April 2015

sid. 61 - Annons - EVO3 Premier Power Cable
... A cotton filler is used to give the cable internal strength and
reduce microphony whilst maintaining dielectric performance...

Mikrofoni i högtalarkablar? Första april kanske, aldrig annars.
Bomull som dielektrikum, ja under tidigt 1900-tal, absorberar fukt.

sid. 57 - Annons - Black Rhodium SAMBA VS-1 - The Low Distorsion Cable
- Graham Nalty Legacy Anti-Vibration stabilisers to reduce distortion caused by vibrations travelling through conductor wires.
- Reduced Transient Phase Distortion due to increased spacing between conductors for a more open sound.
- Low noise and reduced distortion trough careful monitoring of conductor wire direction.

Distorsion av vibrationer i lyssningsrum - händer aldrig. Millivolt-signaler vid 10000 G påverkas något men lyssningsrum
står helt stilla. "Transient Phase Distortion" - tänk vad man kan hitta på som marknadsföring!

sid. 69 - påstående, "kablar har ingen riktning":
"Audio signals are AC so saying cables are directional is just as meaningless as
saying a washing line is directional."

svar från redaktionen:
"This was the point I was making as, at metal grain boundaries, you can get some slight differences
(think about junction diodes). Burning in cables, DCT and good cable design (which can make
the cable ‘directional’) all help to minimise this."

"Grain boundaries" är ren koppar mot ren koppar - händer absolut ingenting. Kopparatomer har bara andra kopparatomer
som grannar och alla elektroner är fritt rörliga i alla riktningar. "Junction diodes" har redaktören tydligen ingen aning om vad
det egentligen är. "Grain boundaries" finns när metall stelnar utan påverkan, mönstret på förzinkad metall är ett exempel.
När man drar ut metallen till en tunn enkelledare blir det inget kvar av de ursprungliga "Grain boundaries". "Burning in" flyttar
inte en enda atom i kabeln. Inom elektronik och mättteknik (måle-teknik ?) skulle mycket bli ogiltigt om kablars riktning har
någon som helst inverkan på resultaten.


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Finnes det markedsføring som henger på greip i det hele tatt? Regner med at du ser på TV i likhet med oss andre, inkl reklameinnslagene for ditt og datt mellom programmene. Hvor mange av disse reklameinnslagene holder vann synes du? Rengjøringsmidler, sminke, feks.

Jeg regner med at du er intelligent nok til å forstå hvorfor disse reklameinnslagene dukker opp, og hvorfor de er utformet slik de er. Vi ser ikke på dem dem som folkeopplysning akkurat.


Hi-Fi akustikk

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Dette ser da greit ut?

Patented air-enhanced low-loss dielectric
Achieves 85 to 88% velocity of propagation (VOP) and
bandwidth potential up to 110 GHz. Enables superior bandwidth and low insertion
Air-enhanced design with extruded fluoropolymer resin
Provides superior phase stability versus competitors’ PTFE and
ePTFE dielectrics (PTFE exhibits “knee” effect at room temperature due to
molecular phase transition)
Highly consistent manufacturing process used to
maintain the industry’s smallest mechanical tolerances (0.047, 0.086,
Yields extremely stable electrical performance. Ensures
minimal change in electrical properties (impedance and insertion loss) in
dynamic applications
Helically wrapped flat-wire shield with braid
Results in excellent shielding effectiveness greater than 100 dB.
Provides enhanced flexibility and superior electrical performance versus
competitors’ semi-rigid microwave coaxial solutions
Highly reliable VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio)
Optimized return-loss performance


Hb 52

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Finnes det markedsføring som henger på greip i det hele tatt? Regner med at du ser på TV i likhet med oss andre, inkl reklameinnslagene for ditt og datt mellom programmene. Hvor mange av disse reklameinnslagene holder vann synes du? Rengjøringsmidler, sminke, feks.

Jeg regner med at du er intelligent nok til å forstå hvorfor disse reklameinnslagene dukker opp, og hvorfor de er utformet slik de er. Vi ser ikke på dem dem som folkeopplysning akkurat.

Feil .... all reklame om slanking er dønn ærlige .... big time :confused:


@ Dalahäst: Jeg tror faktisk jeg har noen signalkabler med bomull i. Antar det dreier seg om strekkavlasting mer enn noe annet. Lurer på om det var Klotz-kablene som jeg har til BD-spilleren. Kan se for meg at det er en bra løsning for kabler som skal drasses rundt på en scene og tråkkes på av glamrockere i platåsko.

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Dette ser da greit ut?

Patented air-enhanced low-loss dielectric
Achieves 85 to 88% velocity of propagation (VOP) and
bandwidth potential up to 110 GHz. Enables superior bandwidth and low insertion
Air-enhanced design with extruded fluoropolymer resin
Provides superior phase stability versus competitors’ PTFE and
ePTFE dielectrics (PTFE exhibits “knee” effect at room temperature due to
molecular phase transition)
Highly consistent manufacturing process used to
maintain the industry’s smallest mechanical tolerances (0.047, 0.086,
Yields extremely stable electrical performance. Ensures
minimal change in electrical properties (impedance and insertion loss) in
dynamic applications
Helically wrapped flat-wire shield with braid
Results in excellent shielding effectiveness greater than 100 dB.
Provides enhanced flexibility and superior electrical performance versus
competitors’ semi-rigid microwave coaxial solutions
Highly reliable VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio)
Optimized return-loss performance

Egenskaperna som beskrivs med en del av orden hör klart hemma i mikrovågsvärlden.
- low insertion loss
- phase stability
- impedance and insertion loss
- semi-rigid microwave coaxial
- VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio)
- return-loss

Ett exempel på en kabel som beskrivs med dessa eller liknande ord är:
WL Gore Phaseflex - Gore RF Cable Assemblies | Mouser(ta en titt på priset!)

Inget konstigt OM det är mikrovågs-kabel som avses, alla orden är relevanta då.
Allt blir BS om det är för användning inom audio-området.
Priset är High-End-mässigt, Gore Phaseflex är High-End inom t.ex.antennmätningar.
(där alla pratar om radiovågor men ingen har någonsin sett dom)

Hi-Fi akustikk

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Det er Mikrobølgekabel ja. Den som diskuteres opp og i mente om er den samme som Nordost bruker i ODIN signalkabelene.


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Fra Chord sine FAQ sider. Uthevingene er gjort av meg. Tilsynelatende troverdig, men samtidig nokså meningsløst med tanke på hva en helt ordinær kobberkabel kan prestere. En høyst spekulativ sammenblanding av fakta og fiksjon (IMHO):

The leading edge of a musical note. Every type of musical instrument has a distinctive shape to the notes played on it. The attack is the time taken for a note to rise to its full loudness. Poor quality cables can have a seriously detrimental effect on what is a critical part of music. The initial rise on a note can be lost beneath a high noise floor or altered by interference or mechanically induced noise

............ If used to explain the performance parameters of a cable, bandwidth would be used to describe the ability of the cable to transmit very high and low frequency information. As cable design gets more exotic so its ability to transmit this information accurately improves

A term used to describe the ability of a hi-fi or home cinema system to present music as a complete and understandable whole. It can be easy to slip into thinking about the bass, middle and treble frequencies whilst losing sight of the fact that the music you are listening to is not actually being presented in a coherent manner. The way in which interconnects or speaker cables affect the coherence of a system can be dramatic. Badly designed and poorly built cables can almost completely destroy a system’s ability to produce a coherent sound. Crucial to a system’s coherence will be a cable’s ability to move dynamic and tonal information accurately across a wide bandwidth
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SOLID 100% PERFECT-SURFACE SILVER (PSS) CONDUCTORS: Perfect-Surface Technology applied to extreme-purity silver provides unprecedented clarity and dynamic contrast. Solid conductors prevent strand interaction, a major source of cable distortion. Extremely high-purity Perfect-Surface Silver minimizes distortion caused by the grain boundaries which exist within any metal conductor, nearly eliminating harshness and greatly increasing clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers.

SOLID HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. Solid High-Density Polyethylene Insulation ensures critical signal-pair geometry while minimizing insulation-induced phase distortion.

DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check.

CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane.

TERMINATIONS: Precision-made low-loss ultra-wide bandwidth connectors with 100% shield coverage and strain relief.

DIRECTIONALITY: All audio cables are directional. The correct direction is determined by listening to every batch of metal conductors used in every AudioQuest audio cable. Arrows are clearly marked on the connectors to ensure superior sound quality. For best results have the arrow pointing in the direction of the flow of music. For example, NAS to Router, Router to Network Player.

Dette om en ethernet kabel :rolleyes:


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Kablar ska ha en nästan obegränsad förmåga att förbättra musik, det måste vara sant,
jag har läst det både i tidningar och på internet. Kablarna kanske har sina begränsningar
trots alla fagra löften... Florence Foster Jenkins är kanske bortom vad exklusiva dyr-kablar
kan åtgärda. Ni kan ha exemplen som referens på bottennivån som är svår att kunna
försämra ytterligare.


Hi-Fi freak
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Er vel ikke lenge til nå for nordost kommer med ethernet kabel , kjøp denne kabelen og vist du har 50/50mb linje , så får du med denne kabelen 100/100 mb linje. Men det er jo mange som går på slike reklamer , jeg går ikke bort på kiwi her for og leite opp dyreste shampoen og balsamen tull , den billigste er like god. Og når det kommer slike reklamer på tv , posten , eposten vår osv osv. Nei jeg har lært det skal noe kjøpes av hifi utstyr hos meg skal det testes først enkelt og greit.
Topp Bunn