Super kabler eller ikke.

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er plenti av dem , er denne tatt opp før , så bare legg ut linken til den. Ville bare høre folks meninger om denne , er ikke krig jeg ville starte.

Hb 52

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Få klarlagt hvilke kabler som er benyttet som internkabling i høyttalerene før man betaler tusenvis av kr for ht.kabler . Ingen vits med svindyre kabler , derson internkablene er middelmådige .


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Få klarlagt hvilke kabler som er benyttet som internkabling i høyttalerene før man betaler tusenvis av kr for ht.kabler . Ingen vits med svindyre kabler , derson internkablene er middelmådige .
Ja og har du en dårlig forstærker så er det ingen grund til at have en god højtaler, og har du ikke en god højtaler, så er der ingen grund til have en god forforstærker, og så er der endelig heller ingen grund til at have en god kilde/CD/file afspiller, og heller til at have gode signalkabler, og absolut slet ingen grund til at have gode netkabler osv.....
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Hi-Fi freak
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trondmeg har allerede linket til siden , så da kan en moderator bare fjerne denne tråden :)


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Vis vedlegget 301940

Noen tror, noen ikke. Utover det blir ingen enige om middelveien
Her var det en kar som hadde brukt noen kroner på Nordost Odin, ja.... ;)

(112.000 kroner pr stykk for RCA og ca. 90.000 for Nordost Odin power, som ikke selges i Norge, så vidt jeg kan se.)

Om de er ekte da. Mine Odin RCA koster ikke "litt" mindre.


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Rørvik i Nord-Trøndelag
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Odin lever nok et ganske musikalsk mainstream liv da.. blir nok ikke så "stresset" som disse her....;)
men prisen for begge "oppsettene" er nok i samme gaten vil jeg tro...? forskjellen er vel at det siste alternativet bruker ordet forskning og er mere legitimt..eller?

Men ære og være for forskningen.. tror at hvis det ikke hadde vært for alle disse kloke menn og kvinner..ja da hadde jo ikke Odin vært noe tema heller..

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Jeg var litt nysgjerrig på det bildet, så jeg googlet. Billedteksten var visst "Dr. Patricia Dare, Lockheed Martin director of Targets and Countermeasures, examines new electronic cable design in the company's integrated systems development laboratory in Huntsville."
Lockheed Martin Completes Centralization Of Targets and Countermeasures Operations in Huntsville � Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin Targets and Countermeasures

Prøvde å google den Nordost-riggen også, forresten. Der greide ikke Google å finne noen match, men listen av "Bilder som ligner" var ganske fornøyelig.
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Rørvik i Nord-Trøndelag
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Denne er fin for de som sliter med uorden i kabelsalaten... veldig fin innføring hvor du kan begynne om du ikke finner rett ende osv...blir vel mest til hjelp for de som forsker seg bort litt.. bare litt da;)

Godt ment selvfølgelig da..
Cable Housekeeping

There's a law of nature that says
It's more likely for the untangled to become tangled than for the tangled to become untangled.
Or something like that. I think it's also called the Second Law of Thermodynamics ... :)
Whatever — the result is that wherever you have cables, you have a mess. People have recognized the problem and solved it for certain special cases (cable conduits, wireless devices, continuous power strips, cable ties, etc.) but, like with the paperless office, proliferation outpaces innovation; I expect there will always be cables, and therefore, tangled cables. I've learned a few small things which have made my life with cables easier:
How to untangle cables. Untangling cables takes a certain amount of time, and it doesn't go any faster when you're in a hurry. My first tip is​

  • [*=center]take your time.
Expect it to be a kind of meditation. Pay attention to the structure of the tangle. Don't be afraid to just stare at the tangle and gather your thoughts. Then,​

  • [*=center]remove the easiest cable first.
Which cables are the easiest to remove from a tangle? Those that are​

  • [*=center]shortest (it's clear why these are easiest to remove),
    [*=center]fattest (they will be the least tangled, and the least likely to get strained when you pull on them), and
    [*=center]most unlike the others (which lets you see them more easily).
Once you remove the easiest cable, the others become less tangled, and easier to remove.
How to store cables. There are several things to optimize when you're storing cables: minimize how long it takes to store them, how much room they take up, and how much they get tangled with other cables while in storage, and maximize how easy it is to find what you're looking for when you get the cable out of storage.
My method for storing cables goes like this:​

  • [*=center]Find both ends of the cable and hold them in one hand.
    [*=center]With the other hand, find the middle.
    [*=center]Fold the cable in half.
    [*=center]Repeat until the cable is the right size (you be the judge).
    [*=center]Secure with a heavy rubber band.
    [*=center]Put it in a box.
You might say "But I don't have a rubber band when I need one." Well, get some. It's the cost of doing business. You can spend a couple of bucks on a bag of rubber bands, or you can spend hours of your life untangling cables. It's your choice.
The advantages of this method (which outweigh the inconvenience of having to find a rubber band) may not be obvious, so I will mention a few:​

  • [*=center]The method applies to almost any cable, so you don't have to figure out a different method for each cable.
    [*=center]It's very easy, so you can do it fast (especially with practice).
    [*=center]Because the cable is folded, it takes up less space (and one cable tends to be shaped like another, so they pack better).
    [*=center]When you are looking for a cable, you can see both ends at once, so it's easier to find the one you're looking for.
    [*=center]Because all cables are folded in the same way, it's easy to judge their relative sizes.
    [*=center]Because each cable is folded the same way every time, it get flexible in the way it needs to, making it easier to fold.
    [*=center]It's easy to unfold a cable (just pop off the rubber band and you're done).
    [*=center]Cables don't get twisted (as they do when you coil them).
Finally, I am grateful to Max Mathews for this:

Label MIDI cables. Many MIDI devices have an IN and an OUT port. When you're hooking these up, you get a couple of cables out of the box, go to the device, plug in the cables, go to where you're going to plug them in, and ... "uh-oh, which cable is which?" You have to go back to the device, figure out which one is IN and which is OUT, and then back to where you're going to plug them in, and you spend a while trying to find the right place to plug them in, and then ... "uh-oh, which cable is which?" Or you just guess, and then spend time trying to figure out whether the reason things don't work is because you've got the cables backwards, or for some other reason. So, Max's advice is:
Label the ends of MIDI cables.
What this means is that a cable that previously could be used with either end at either end now has a dedicated SOURCE end and a dedicated DESTINATION end. So, sometimes you'll have to switch ends of a cable. It's worth it, because you'll NEVER spend time figuring out which direction the bits are flowing.
Incidentally, the way I label MIDI cables is to wrap masking tape around the plug (several times, so that it gets opaque), and then draw arrows ("—>") at various places so that an arrow is visible from every direction. N.B. DO NOT label the ends of a MIDI cable IN and OUT — it only causes confusion ("does OUT mean that data is coming OUT of this end of the cable, or does it mean that I should connect this to the plug labeled OUT?") Arrows are unambiguous. (You can put arrows on your equipment, too.)​


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Rørvik i Nord-Trøndelag
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Når det nevnes superkabel.. ja da vil jeg trekke frem en (glass)kabel hvor absolutt ALLE her på sentralen har og det er denne.. jeg tørr ikke tenke på hva meterprisen er.. men vil tro Odin vil bli smågutt i forhold.. dog må jo sies at kost/nyttefaktoren er litt høyere for de fleste av oss... Og når "Odin" er nevnt.. tror dere ikke kost/nyt(t)e faktoren er der.. Skal "jeg" gi noen dårlig samvittighet fordi at de ikke velger slik "jeg" gjør?.. materialvalget på bildet under vil jeg tro ikke koster sååå mye da..heller ikke "Odin" men klart at nytteverdien er der...


trenger ikke google bildet her da.. The Undersea Cables that Connect the World ?TwistedSifter


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Den der koster ca 500 kr meteren. Joda, det blir jo en milliard dollar når den skal strekkes 16000 km over Stillehavet med koblingsstasjoner og det hele, men så greier den vel en 100 Gbit/s også. Kan streame noe sånt som 35000 to-kanals audiostrømmer i ukomprimert Red Book S/PDIF i parallell.
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