Alan Maher Power Enhancers Infinity Speaker cable filter Accessory

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Dette er et av produktene til Alan Maher som skal virke på den måten at den fjerner støy i et område som ligger langt utenfor det hørbare frekvensområdet.

Da jeg leste om dette trodde jeg umiddelbart at dette var noe ala Bybee filtre. Så viser det seg at de-luxe utgavene av Infinity speaker cable filtret har Bybee innebygd i tillegg til det "regulære" filtret.
Pris: $185 /par

Her er en omtale filtret på audioasylum:
I wanted to share my experience with one of Alan's newest products; his Infinity Speaker cable filters. My initial reaction immediately upon install was very positive. I knew right away these were definitely something I was going to like a lot, but I wanted to wait until I had done some more extended listening to try to write down my impressions. Prior to install, I didn’t really think anything was missing from the presentation I had. The timbre and soundstage were both quite good thanks in large part to all of Alan’s other products I already had installed. Boy was I mistaken about nothing missing. With the new speaker filters installed, the sound is so expansive, it seems like the walls have disappeared in my room! I get a much more 3-D sound and much more front-to-back information than I ever remember having before. This effect is especially pronounced with large orchestras, where I can now place the instruments on stage, not only side-to-side, but also get a sense of where they are on the stage from a depth perspective. Listening to CD’s such as those of the LA guitar quartet is really remarkable; each guitarist is sitting in a separate spot, and you can even tell they are sitting in a semi-circle, since some are clearly closer to the listener than others! I even went to the album notes to check this, since I heard it clearly but wanted to be sure this was their seating arrangement. The best way I can describe the effect these filters bring about is that, prior to their installation, listening to my system was like standing at the doorway of a great concert hall hearing the wonderful music coming out of the hall in what I thought was all of its glory. After the install, it is as if I have taken several steps forward into the hall itself, allowing me to become completely enveloped in the music, experiencing each and every nuance with startling clarity. All the emotion of the performance is now there, taking the listening experience to a whole new level. Last night I sat riveted to my chair for over an hour listening to Rostropovich playing Bach’s unaccompanied cello suites. The sound was so involving that I could not move. It almost felt impolite to stand up and stop him from his performance before he had finished. I don’t know what Alan managed to put into such a tiny little package, but these things pack a monster-size punch! If you're curious what your system is really capable of, give these a try; you won't be disappointed!

Værsågod gutter: Nå er det klart for å komme med de tradisjonelle Snake Oil svarinnleggene.
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