Selger en pent brukt Finale Audio (Triode Lab) strømkabel 2 m. Ny pris 7000. Selges under halv pris.
Passer lydmessig perfekt til Finale Audio (Triode Lab) og andre rørforsterkere. Meget nøytral og åpen strømkabel.
Her er det Finale Audio (Triode Lab) sier om kabelen:
We’ve tried over a dozen of others plugs and different combinations - different levels , different materials , silver , gold , rhodium …etc. They all have pros and cons. And we select this plug because the un-plated pure copper finish conductor sounded just right (flawless ) , with no sound change or constraint issue detected like some others we tried. Some are day and night different as soon we swap them on to the same cable - a pair of plugs were near $1,000 , and it just did too good of a filtering job ( all the highs were rolled off / filtered down , the bass also became blurry and lack punch / extension) . The power-wire is also faultlessly good in all aspects , from thickness , build quality , to the sound that will unleash the potential of our amps.
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Passer lydmessig perfekt til Finale Audio (Triode Lab) og andre rørforsterkere. Meget nøytral og åpen strømkabel.
Her er det Finale Audio (Triode Lab) sier om kabelen:
We’ve tried over a dozen of others plugs and different combinations - different levels , different materials , silver , gold , rhodium …etc. They all have pros and cons. And we select this plug because the un-plated pure copper finish conductor sounded just right (flawless ) , with no sound change or constraint issue detected like some others we tried. Some are day and night different as soon we swap them on to the same cable - a pair of plugs were near $1,000 , and it just did too good of a filtering job ( all the highs were rolled off / filtered down , the bass also became blurry and lack punch / extension) . The power-wire is also faultlessly good in all aspects , from thickness , build quality , to the sound that will unleash the potential of our amps.
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