Audio-GD Master 2H ultra high-end mono effektforsterkere.

Kr 28.500
Annonse beskrivelse
Annonse nummer: 252172

Dette er en gedigen konstruksjon med helt fantastisk lydkvalitet.

Av Christiaan Punter i HifiAdvice (Nederland) sammenlignet direkte opp mot CH Precision A1.5 og Soulution 711. Dette er forsterkere som koster hhv. 500.000 og 800.000 kroner. Master 2H kan i mangt og mye måle seg med disse! Les test her:

Pris i dag for etterfølgeren, Master 2A (grunnleggende samme konstruksjon) ligger nå på 70.000 fra Magna Hifi: https://magnahifi.com/audio-gd-mast...ss-a-balanced-mono-power-amplifiers-xlr-acss/

Underwood Hifi, som selger Audio-GD i USA, sier følgende om M2A: "Compare this amp to competitors selling for $25,000 and it is right there. They are a steal for under $10,000.00 for the pair."

Mine selges rimelig for kr. 35.000. Meget pent behandlet og i topp stand.


- Fullt balansert fra inngang til utgang.

- Inngangstrinn jobber i ren klasse A.

- Zero negative feedback design.

- Forsterkeren yter 250W i 8 Ohm, 500W 4 Ohm, 1000W 2 Ohm.

- Første 30W er ren Klasse A. I praksis betyr det at 99% av lyttingen vil foregå i ren klasse A!

- Totalt 1700W strømforsyning. 2 stk trafoer per monoblokk.

- Ypperste kvalitet på komponenter: DALE resistors, WIMA caps, custom order NOVER (UK brand) caps osv.

- ACSS / CAST teknologi.

Kan sendes som 2 separate forsendelser, da jeg har originale esker. For kjøpers regning og risiko.

Her er en del customer feedback for M2H:


Amps truly at the highest level

We might as well say it right away, these monaural amps are radically built in the old style (symmetrical circuits, discrete components, quasi-class A) with an originality of transmission of the internal musical signal by the intensity of the current and not its voltage (ACSS technology similar to Krell amps) are at the level of the best amps that I have had the opportunity to listen to (at private homes or Hi-Fi salons). They are exceptional and I think at the level of the best in the world, but at prices 20 times higher!

The precision, the refinement of the timbres, the spatial presentation of the musical scene are quite simply the best I know. We have the impression of being able to touch the music, the musicians and the singers, and this across all musical genres. Even a symphony orchestra plays in a way comparable to what I hear in concert.

The dynamics are breathtaking. Incredible bass depth and overall balance to die for. The music is soft and firm at the same time. Precise highs, never aggressive. The music flows…

These amps have literally transformed my Triangle Magellan speakers, making them even more precise, more lively and natural. I didn't think I could get such a musical experience at home. It’s crying and my speakers are singing thanks to me. My channel sounds as good as the best channels I've heard so far... and it's at home!!! I didn't even dream of it. The heart is these amps, the voice my Magellan. It’s a beauty…

This Master-2H works wonderfully with my Master-11.

In all sincerity, if you can afford these 2 blocks, don't hesitate. They are masterpieces. Thanks to Audio-GD. Kingwa is an amplification genius! and thank you to Audiophonics for marketing these devices in France.



Rated 5 out of 5

Sorin – November 6, 2020

I have received the M2H – they are brilliant indeed!!

Thanks a lot for all your great support.

Regards, Sorin


Rated 5 out of 5

George – September 7, 2020

I had a wonderful Friday night with my vinyl collection played through the Audio GD set-up .

I have my own reference LP’s to test the audio and the Audio GD combo HE1 +2H mono blocks passed with flying colors. I played Steve Ray Vaughan “Can’t stand the weather” album but mainly one song called TIN PAN ALLEY great blues guitar and the bass / drum on this song was just as if it was just played in the room. You were 100% right that the 2H would start to sound better every hour it ‘s played. it’s not boomy just natural as it can be. Now I can hear the full potential of my KOETSU black cartridge. Next I played “Kind of blue” by Miles Davis Again the trumpet of Miles is so real and the rest of the band just sounded awesome just simple wow . In a long time I Hadn’t had much “fun” in listening to music.

I have my nirvana with this Audio GD.


Rated 5 out of 5

Greg – September 4, 2020

After a long “burn in” (many hours of low volume listening) I came back to my listening CD / SACD I have to say I can now really distinguish between a ‘normal” CD and SACD or XRCD played on my cd player Yamaha CD S3000. Before it was not that clear even on my AA Amp II powered by the HE1. I Guess the ACSS link has a lot to do with this sound and make the music so natural and clear.

The experience is awesome anyway and I am very happy I bought it from you!

On the weekend I will play my vinyl LP’s and see how that will go.

I am so satisfied with this set-up and your service.



Rated 5 out of 5

Tini vd B. – February 27, 2020

I am in favor of mono blocks so I started looking around for possible candidates who could play with the Ushers. They are not extremely difficult speakers to control, but since I have no neighbors I sometimes want to increase the volume a bit, which does make some demands on power and control. Brands like Levinson and Krell would be nice candidates, but they have budget requirements that are not feasible or desirable. Class D mono blocks are often affordable, but they have not yet convinced me in terms of musicality.

If an amplifier is not new, the first euros have already been spent on it, so I also went shopping on the second-hand market. Limited choice, often decent asking prices and you usually don't know the history of the devices, so I didn't find what I was looking for there either.

As a long-time user of various Audio-GD DACs and preamplifiers, I also surfed to the Magna Hifi site because I remembered that they also have mono blocks in their range, the Master 2H. On paper, at least, these masters excelled in size, weight and the amount of parts in the somewhat boring black boxes. Because I had already looked around quite a bit, the price was not too bad compared to the well-known brands and they were within my budget.

After some email traffic and telephone contact with Jos from Magna Hifi, I made the decision and ordered these heavy boys. The training hours are now over, so it is time for me to share my experiences.

The Master 2H on the Ushers is a very successful combination. From the first moment you feel the authority of the amplifiers, it has power and control. The response provided a calmer high with a lot of finesse and detail. Even at higher volumes it remains neat and does not become loud or loud at any point.

The sound image is great, it comes apart nicely from the speakers and with good recordings everything is separate from each other in the room. You experience the music.

The finishing touches were the ACSS input and output on the front and power amplifiers. Nothing earth-shattering, but a noticeable improvement over the standard balanced strings.

Conclusion; I am very satisfied. Our Chinese friends have once again managed to deliver a high-quality product for a (kilo) price that has no competition.

It only remains for me to thank Jos and Rob for the excellent service!

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