Palladian - Ny referanse fra Acoustical Systems.

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Acoustical Systems er spesialister innen analog High End og lager produkter som høster anerkjennelse over hele verden. Palladian er det siste medlemmet som er kommet inn i Pickup familien på 4.
Archon (29.990,-) var den første vi stiftet bekjentskap med - en særdeles strålende all-round Pickup som vil heve lytteopplevelsen opp i high end sjiktet på de fleste gode platespillere. Vi har testet denne på de rimeligere modellene fra NAS og det spiller fantastisk.
Aiwon (69.990,-) var den tidligere toppmodellen og dette er en pickup som briljerer på stemmer spesielt, men har i tillegg et bassfundament vi aldri har hørt hos noen andre pickuper.
Astron (45.000,-) Dette er pickupen Dietrich anbefaler til klassiske symfonier og store orkestre hvor den briljerer med evnen til å gjengi komplekse og mange lag i musikken uten at det blir rotete og stresset.
Palladian ( 89.990,-) er på vei til oss og vil fra slutten av august være mulig å høre i vårt nye analoge referanseoppsett med Reed Muse 3C og AS Axiom arm.
Dietrich Brackenmeyer er konstruktøren bak kreasjonene og er nærmest som en legende å regne hos analogfanatikere - og det kommer flere spennede nyheter utover året.

Fra Acoustical Systems hjemmeside:

the palladian – a study in live .......

designed by the company specializing in high-end phono solutions only

A recording captures a moment in time.
A single event.
Something that once happened in space and time.
Something that happened once live.

The fact – and sense - that most every recording contains music once created
actually in something we call live is all too often missing when we play back that

When we introduced the aiwon in early winter 2014 we were amazed by its subtle detail, by its ability to recreate tiny, tantalizing details – minor details which so immensely support the emotional impact and the sense of reality in a sonic picture.

Over the next 18 months we experimented with a few samples of the aiwon trying to further fine tune for even more impact in performance.
But it was not before we made subtle changes in some key inherent design
parameters that we entered new ground.

This was the birth of the design which then evolved in the spring of 2016 into the palladian.

The palladian features a hand hammered Timet 1100 Titanium body of
unequalled strength and with an unparalleled ability to transfer energy.
In the palladian we find a strong heart with more energy (coil windings), a body more agile with less inertia (reduced moving mass), featuring further a very special, subtle mix of small measures taken to fine tune each and every parameter of performance allowing for a sonic explosion beyond our expectations and hopes.

The hand hammered body, the quicksilverish shine like a dragon’s skin - The
palladian Timet 1100 body expresses visually its agility, vital dynamic and live-

The palladian brings that spark of live back into the sonic presentation of each
and every recording.
That spark of live – independent whether large or small – that was there when the
performance was once captured.

The palladian is fast, live-like dynamic and breathtaking direct in its color,
immediateness and agility.
An incredible agile, dynamic dancer – a reminiscent of Misha Baryshnikov in his
It is subtle, tender and sublime – yet frightening dynamic, with a sonic punch both
wall-shaking and stunning physical in its impact.

The palladian is.. live ….. in the very best sense and in the true spirit of the

And with the palladian the true spirit of the music is there.

Our statement in phono cartridges ….. our best.

Tom Egil
Topp Bunn